Off season

Lake McDonald, Glacier National Park
The photo above was taken yesterday afternoon in Glacier National Park in the middle of the afternoon. Note the lack of people and vehicles. It's off-season here in northern Montana. After speaking at the state teacher conference in Missoula on Thursday, the LWW and I are taking a couple days to visit this beautiful place.
I've always been a fan of visiting popular areas off-season. Fewer people, no lines, better rates for hotels, and just a calmer experience. Sure, plenty of things are closed. I may need to just live with the fact that I will never get to see the "Mysterious Montana House of Vortex Mystery." At least the scenery is still open, even if not all the roads are.
Perhaps there is some lesson to be drawn from this. Or maybe not.
Oh, this is how you tell you are getting old. The hotel in Missoula had Hooters and IHOP restaurants right next to it. It was the pumpkin pancakes that I got me excited. Sigh...
From Going to the Sun Road, Glacier National Park