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EdTech Update




Entries from October 1, 2017 - October 31, 2017


How is this better than digital?

Alice Keeler at Teacher Tech asks "How is this Better Than Paper (Oct 5, 2017) and shared the following flowchart:

Personally, I would change the question to "how is this better than digital?"

By default, I would argue that digital is better because:


  • It doesn't kills trees
  • It doesn't add to toner and paper bill
  • It doesn't create waste
  • It doesn't get lost when stored in the cloud
  • It's easier to read
  • It is the way all of us will increasingly do our work


Keeler's important argument is that using digital rather than paper should also be pedagogicaly superior, and if it isn't, why bother. And she lists lots of ways tech-savvy teachers can create better experiences for their students. Right on!

But I would argue that the burden of proof should be on the paper-bound educators, not the digital.

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