BFTP: The professional stick

A weekend Blue Skunk "feature" will be a revision of an old post. I'm calling this BFTP: Blast from the Past Original post, October 24th. I dearly love my job, but these past couple of weeks I've felt like I'm being pecked to death by chickens - everybody needs some small thing or has some small complaint. A couple times I've wished I'd had my professional stick...
Wanted: One professional stick that would have the following effects on the person struck:
- Whack! would be able to work with others despite personal dislikes.
- Whack! would be unable to whine, only offer practical suggestions for improvement.
- Whack! would not race the kids out the door at the end of the day and actually attend training outside the contract day.
- Whack! would never again mention how many days (hours, minutes, seconds) he/she has until retirement.
- Whack! would actually try something before complaining about it.
- Whack! would actually try to fix a problem before complaining about it.
- Whack! would read a professional book or journal once in a while.
- Whack! would frame all arguments in terms of what is best for kids.
- Whack! would join a professional organization and not complain about paying for dues.
- Whack! would volunteer to do some work for said professional organization.
- Whack! would act happy to be alive.
- Whack! would treat kids and fellow workers with the same respect she/he would like to be treated.
- Whack! would not comment on the lack of professionalism of others. (Ouch!)
Why yes, it has been that kind of week. Thanks for asking. And I know I need a good whack myself now and then.
Add your own powers to the "professional stick." I'm taking orders - want one?
I loved the comments from this original post:
Sounds a little like you are adopting 2500 year old thinking here, Doug.
"#27 Every walking animal is driven to its purpose with a whack" - Heraclitus In Expect the Unexpected Or You Won't Find It - A creativity tool based on the ancient wisdom of Heraclitus by Roger Von Oech
I've just been reading Robert Genn's latest newsletter on the 5 principles behind Starbucks empowerment of people. I've been thinking that we'd be in a good place when teachers and students saw learning in a similar way:
- Make it your own
- Everything matters
- Surprise and delight
- Embrace resistance
- Leave your mark - Artichoke
This is the exact reason I walk around with the Thinking Stick. :)
- whack! Get over it.
- whack! Work is hard...that's why they call it work.
- whack! Some days you might have to work late.
- whack! Summers are for recharging and relearning.
- whack! If the district gives you a PD day use it to learn, not complain.
- whack! Assume good intentions.
Interesting! Must be the moon it's been one of those weeks on this side of the world as well. - Jeff (Thinking Stick) Utecht