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Entries from September 1, 2011 - September 30, 2011


BFTP: The professional stick

A weekend Blue Skunk "feature" will be a revision of an old post. I'm calling this BFTP: Blast from the Past Original post, October 24th. I dearly love my job, but these past couple of weeks I've felt like I'm being pecked to death by chickens - everybody needs some small thing or has some small complaint. A couple times I've wished I'd had my professional stick...

Wanted: One professional stick that would have the following effects on the person struck:

  • Whack! would be able to work with others despite personal dislikes.
  • Whack! would be unable to whine, only offer practical suggestions for improvement.
  • Whack! would not race the kids out the door at the end of the day and actually attend training outside the contract day.
  • Whack! would never again mention how many days (hours, minutes, seconds) he/she has until retirement.
  • Whack! would actually try something before complaining about it.
  • Whack! would actually try to fix a problem before complaining about it.
  • Whack! would read a professional book or journal once in a while.
  • Whack! would frame all arguments in terms of what is best for kids.
  • Whack! would join a professional organization and not complain about paying for dues.
  • Whack! would volunteer to do some work for said professional organization.
  • Whack! would act happy to be alive.
  • Whack! would treat kids and fellow workers with the same respect she/he would like to be treated.
  • Whack! would not comment on the lack of professionalism of others. (Ouch!)

Why yes, it has been that kind of week. Thanks for asking. And I know I need a good whack myself now and then.

Add your own powers to the "professional stick." I'm taking orders - want one? 


I loved the comments from this original post:

Sounds a little like you are adopting 2500 year old thinking here, Doug.

"#27 Every walking animal is driven to its purpose with a whack" - Heraclitus In Expect the Unexpected Or You Won't Find It - A creativity tool based on the ancient wisdom of Heraclitus by Roger Von Oech

I've just been reading Robert Genn's latest newsletter on the 5 principles behind Starbucks empowerment of people. I've been thinking that we'd be in a good place when teachers and students saw learning in a similar way:

  1. Make it your own
  2. Everything matters
  3. Surprise and delight
  4. Embrace resistance
  5. Leave your mark - Artichoke

This is the exact reason I walk around with the Thinking Stick. :)

  • whack! Get over it.
  • whack! Work is hard...that's why they call it work.
  • whack! Some days you might have to work late.
  • whack! Summers are for recharging and relearning.
  • whack! If the district gives you a PD day use it to learn, not complain.
  • whack! Assume good intentions.

Interesting! Must be the moon it's been one of those weeks on this side of the world as well. - Jeff (Thinking Stick) Utecht


Divergent thinking, constructivism and dentistry

Stolen from M. Guhlin's Around the Corner blog

From Will Richardson: Here are the new rules:

  • Create your own education.
  • Find problems and solve them. 
  • Be unique. 
  • Make beautiful, useful stuff. 
  • Build a network of really smart people who you will never meet. 
  • Be indispensable. 
  • Do real work that changes the world. 
  • Have a brand. 
  • Share widely and safely. 
  • Collaborate.
  • Add value. 
  • Be a voracious learner. 
  • Tread softly but boldly. 
  • Edit the world.

I don't think most of us want our dentists to be "out of the box" thinkers. I don't believe that when teaching a pilot to fly 747s we encourage a "don't memorize facts, look it up" training. Do we really want the accountants preparing our taxes to take a constructivist route to learning new tax laws? Do we really want an engineer learning how to learn when she designs the bridge we travel over for work each day?

I shudder to think of a world in which hospitals were run like schools: every doctor allowed to do her own "thing" with no accountability or practices based on the best research and information available. Every hospital does not need to be a rearch establishment, gathering data via "action research" related to any spurious brain-fart a teacher might have which could even remotely impact learning.

Children are not rats on which educational experiments should be endlessly run. Until we have a body of evidence, hopefully gather by lab schools or non-commercial researchers, we ought to be following best practices as outlined by our professional organizations.

Educational technology experts may be doing both students and themselves a significant disservice by advocating a single, unproven approach to educational practices.

Mr. Warlick and Mr. Richardson, I am a huge fan and appreciate the challenge. But don't discount the value and honor in learning a craft or a research-based profession and doing it very, very well. I want our schools so serve those who wish to be future plumbers, mechanics, and nurses as well as future politicians, bureaucrats and school administrators. Those folks who need a actual body of knowledge and skills that they can apply reliably and effectively.

Thus endth the rant.


Play, Learn, & Network with SIGMS - webinar tomorrow


Wednesday, Sept 21

Play, Learn, & Network with SIGMS: The Best PLN for Media Specialists - featuring Doug Johnson, Lisa Perez, Andrea Christman, Carolyn Starkey, Laurie Conzemius, Brenda Anderson, Tiffany Whitehead, and Maureen Sanders Brunner.

Learn how SIGMS can support your professional growth through a variety of virtual and F2f PD offerings, and volunteer opportunities. Hear how to be a contributor to our newsletter, The Scanner. Join us as leaders in our field share how they leverage their involvement with SIGMS to play, learn and network. Sept 21, 8PM ET

Join the Webinar here.

SIGMS Webinar Series wiki page.

Be there or be square!