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Entries from September 1, 2011 - September 30, 2011


I'm confused

The more I read the popular press, the more confused I become.

From the editorials I learn that to get help the country, I should:

  • Spend more money to stimulate the economy.
  • Save more money for my retirement.
  • Reduce my consumer debt.
  • Keep paying the mortgage on my house.

Except that:

  • Costs are rising.
  • My house is losing value.
  • I haven't had a pay raise in three years.


  • My kids can't find a good job despite the "job-creators" all getting huge tax breaks.
  • College tuition, even at state schools,is  skyrocketing.
  • My health insurance increase every year in cost and seems to cover less and have a higher deductible.
  • My 401K is now a 201K and headting toward 101K.

Which makes me worry about:

  • The impact of the national deficit on my kids and grandkids.
  • Whether there will be any middle class jobs in 20 years.
  • If I will only be able to afford dry cat food to eat as a retiree.
  • That the entire country has been hoodwinked by the mass media selling the public on policies that are not in its best interest.

When I read the health section, I learn that I have to quit consuming:

  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Recreational drugs
  • Fats
  • Sugars
  • Carbs
  • Gluten
  • Processed anything
  • Soda pop
  • Fish (mercury)
  • Red meat
  • Salt
  • Food on a stick
  • Milk
  • Peanuts
  • Anything that has flavor

In the Lifestyles section I read that I need spend more of my time:

  • Working at my job to stay competitive in a global worksplace
  • Exercising
  • With my family
  • Building a professional network online
  • Away from my computer
  • Re-connecting with nature
  • Growing my own brussel sprouts, fixing my own toilet and generating my own electricity.

And my goals should include:

  • A thin waist
  • Thick hair
  • Low cholestrol, low blood pressure and low pulse rate
  • Annual physicals, flu shots and other, more invasive, check-ups

Oh, and above all:

  • Don't worry because stress will kill you

A number of years ago, I heard a lecture by Jennifer James, a well-known cultural anthropologist. She remarked that at a certain age, humans recognize their own mortality. One way of facing that reality is to start actually believing the world is going to hell in a handbasket since it's not as hard thinking about leaving a place that seems to be deteriorating as much as it is leaving one that is improving. I wonder if the world really is slipping - economically, environmentally, socially, educationally - or if it is just me thinking about my own finite span here.

Maybe I should just stop reading the paper.

Image from the Library of Congress American Memories collection

4 Rules of Library Advocacy

AASL has just release a collection of advocacy materials for school librarians. While I am pleased to see these materials made available, like any tool, they aren't much good unless you know how to use them and realize that a brochure alone will not save your bacon. Here are some basic rules of advocacy. I am sure you've heard me fuss about them before.

Johnson's 1st Rule of Advocacy: Don't depend on national studies, statistics or publications.
My cynical side says that if one looks hard enough, one can find a study to support almost any educational program, strategy or theory, no matter how crack pot. And a lot of administrators have a cynical skeptical side. Your principal's goals might be different from the goals advocacy materials say libraries help meet. And really, who trusts any study done in another state, let alone another country? Forget asking an administrator to read anything more than a page long. By all means use these fine AASL materials and others, especially as a discussion aid in face-to-face meetings. But don't depend on them alone to make your local case. (See Demonstrating Our Impact, Part One and Part Two.)

Johnson's 2nd Rule of Advocacy: Build relationships and inform so others will advocate for you.
One parent telling a school board how important he thinks the library program is to his child is more powerful than a dozen AASL brochures. One teacher willing to tell the principal that library services have helped her class be more successful secures library funding better than any mandate. One community group that works with school libraries to build information literacy skills is more effective than any set of state or national standards. But the kicker is that we need to make sure we build the kind of relationships with parents, teachers and the community that are strong enough that members of these groups will speak on our behalf. Ans that takes a great regular communication plan. (See Whose Voices Are Most Powerful?)

Johnson's 3rd Rule of Advocacy: Never advocate for libraries or the librarian - only for library users.
The biggest mistake we make is advocating "for libraries." When framing our comments from the standpoint of an impact on "the library," these statements sound self serving. "The library needs a bigger budget" or "The library can't be used for study halls." or 'The cut in the clerical postion will hurt the library program."  Look how a simple reframing changes the tone of the same ideas: "Without an adequate budget, students will not have access to the newest children's choice award titles and reading interest will decline." or "If the clerical position is reduced, I will not have as much time to work with teachers on collaborative units." or "When the library is used for study halls, students who need to use the library resources and want to study find it more difficult to do so." I hope the reason we ask for anything is because it has a benefit to our library users. We just have to make sure we connect the dots between what we want and why it's good for those we serve.

Johnson's 4th Rule of Advocay: Don't depend on the library supervisor to make your case.
A district-level library supervior can be a wonderful voice for building librarians and library programs, especially when that person sits on adminstrative councils or teams. But remember, no matter how forceful, how charming or how much dirt he or she may have on other administrators, the library supervisor is a single voice among dozens, each with its own set of priorities. We'd love to be as powerful as you think we are, but we still pull our superhero tights on one leg at a time.

Any other rules you care to add?



BFTP: Stone Soup: A Classroom Parable

This BFTP is not a previous blog entry, but a short thought-piece I wrote about 15 years ago. The comments left on Larry Cuban's blog in response to his reposting of my Teacher's Technology Manifesto brought it to mind.

While the technology gizmos, resources and uses have come and gone over the 20 or so years I've been actively involved in technology use in schools, there has been one constant: no single technology use philosophy or implementation has been universally accepted by educators. Technology engenders controversy.

I believe there is a simple reason for this. One of the old Greek philosophers (Aristotle, I think) observed that technology is the amplification of human abilities. For example, the knife amplifies the arm and fingernail; the telescope amplifies the eye; the computer the computational skill of the brain.

So too does technology use amplify the underlying beliefs about teaching and learning. If education is about developing creativity, the computer increases the ability for students to design and produce original work. If education is about performing to specific skill standards and asking students to demonstrate learning through testing, technology can produce mountains of data.

When we disagree about how technology is used in schools, it may well be work remembering that the real disagreement is not about the machines and wires and lines of code, but about what education itself ought be about.


Stone Soup: A Classroom Parable
MultiMedia Schools, Nov/Dec 1996

When Ms. Eastman returned to school one fall she found a large boulder had appeared in the middle of her classroom. It was about the size of washing machine, gray with silver glints, and could neither be ignored nor moved.

“I think you’ll just have to make the best of it,” the principal advised, unable to explain how or why it came to be there. “I think the Board may have wanted it, and the budget just won’t support hiring a professional rock mover,” he said in a single breath, and resumed his telephone conversation with the parent of child who had just eaten a wall-mounted pencil sharpener.


When Ms. Eastman’s students returned, they immediately pounced on the rock.
     “Hey, it’s like the one in my backyard.”
    “Check it out. It’s a throne.”
    “Nah, a bomber.”
    “It’s perfect for my desk!”
    “Where did it come from, why is it here, who gets to sit at it, why can’t we all have one?”
Ms. Eastman asked the class to get to work, and as they opened their textbooks and began to quietly read, she distributed worksheets.


The rock proved to be an annoyance. It was right in the middle of the room. It made creating a seating chart difficult. It was too far from the front of the room to be used as a stand for the overhead projector, and the irregularity of its surface made it a poor desk or surface on which to affix papers. On occasion, when a student had done exceptionally well, Ms. Eastman allowed that person to “Read on the Rock.” But for the first quarter, the entire class just worked around the boulder.

Late one November afternoon, Ms. Eastman overheard two students engaged in a heated argument over the composition of the stone. “Settle this intelligently,” she admonished. “Both of you, go to the library, do your research, and come back and report to the class.” In less than half an hour, two excited children returned.  “It’s definitely basalt with quartz flecks. Hey, do know where this came from? A volcano…” The class listened intently as the pair shared their findings about the rock.


Over her second margarita that evening, Ms. Eastman reflected on that afternoon’s class, and decided it had gone particularly well. The kids were enthusiastic and attentive. One of the two children who did the research on the rock performed at higher level and showed more interest in school than Ms. Eastman thought possible. She began to see the rock’s glitter in a new light.

The next Monday morning, Ms. Eastman read the class the myth of Sisyphus, and asked the students to use questions raised during the discussion as the basis of their journal writing. Over the next week or so, articles related to rocks keep popping up in magazines and newspapers. Ms. Eastman used these as springboards for lessons in math and science and history. Soon students were finding and sharing information they themselves had found about rocks in their reading and viewing.

Just before turning off the classroom lights one evening, Ms. Eastman caught a glimpse of white near the base of the stone. It was a note left in a crevice of the rock. When asked, the class sheepishly admitted the rock was serving as a classroom post office. “Are these the same kids I can’t get to put two cogent words together in their journals?” wondered Ms. Eastman. She struck a deal with the class: they could continue to write their letters as long as they revised one letter each week.  That letter would be read for grammar and spelling, and could be shared with the rest of the class.


As the year progressed, many activities began to center around the rock. Parts of the rock easily broke away into pebble size pieces and the class began a business selling “Stone Soup Starters.” In the processes, students applied math, designed advertisements, and worried about ethics. At various times the rock was the setting for plays about the Pilgrims and pioneers on the Oregon trail. Science class divided into small groups which used the rock to demonstrate principles of acids and bases, friction, gravity, and sundials.  One morning a small wooden door appeared firmly attached to the base the rock, which one student adamantly declared was a passage to Van Allsburg Land. Van Allsburg Land soon had a language with its own syntax, a codified set of laws, and even its own culture - all which in some strange way reflected the world the class lived in and was trying hard to understand.


One day in early May the principal called Ms Eastman to his office. “Do you have the correct code to the photocopier?” he asked.  Ms. Eastman looked puzzled. “You have made almost no photocopies since October. We need these numbers to satisfy the central office, you realize.” He was right, Ms. Eastman mused. She hadn’t used many worksheets, she’d used only pieces of her text book, and had not shown a videotape from beginning to end since November. Her grade book had only a few entries, but each of her students had a pizza box crammed with exemplary reports, graphs, drawings, and models she had asked them to collect since the last parent teacher conference.

She reflected her class this year must have just been made up of exceptional children, just the right chemistry. They cooperated, they were genuinely interested in school, they held good discussions, and they were conscientious about the quality of their work. They seemed to be reading more newspapers and magazines, came back from the library with more materials and fewer complaints from the librarian, and could apply math principles more quickly and accurately to every day problems than previous years’ classes. Ms. Eastman was still in happy amazement as her graduate classes started in June.


When Ms. Eastman returned to her classroom the following fall she found a computer had appeared in the middle of her classroom…