Crunch time for the tech department

In every district I know, the week before school starts and the first couple weeks after the kids get back are crunch time for tech departments. Teacher computers needing to be set up, labs needing re-imaging, telephone numbers needing changing, system user accounts and permission needing creation, new wireless access points needing installation, and a raft of other "fires" needing to be extinguished keep many on the tech crew working long hours.
Why, educators ask, does this happen when you've had the whole summer to get these things done?
It's a great question and I wish I knew the complete answer. But here are some thoughts:
- We are often not aware of a problem or a need until personnel return from summer vacation.
- Cleaning and maintenance is often scheduled to be done as close to school start as possible and we can't reassemble teacher workstations until that's done.
- Teachers change rooms and desk locations at the last minute.
- Employees are hired at the last minute and new families join the school at the last minute.
- By law, equipment may not be purchased until a new fiscal year begins July 1 (at least in MN).
- Summer construction projects run up to the wire.
- Outsourced tech projects get delayed. Equipment purchasing and delivery gets delayed.
- Summer school and other programs keep labs and libraries in use for much of the summer.
- Professional development, when the discovery of systems not working well is made, often starts just before school starts.
- Techs, like other employees, like to take vacations during the summer.
I am fully aware that a reason to one person may sound a lot like an excuse to an other person. I am also fully convinced that good technology planning and practices can reduce the severity of the school crunch.
But if anyone has found a way to eliminate the technology stress, I'd love to know how you've done it.
Oh, while I don't put in much physical overtime during back-to-school weeks (my staff doesn't let me touch computers or go near a screwdriver - I mostly attend meetings and do administrivia), I do put in a lot of mental overtime. Every night for the last three weeks, my eyes open and brain starts at 3AM. Just so you know.