Filtering webinar this Wednesday - join us

For Blue Skunk readers interested in intellectual freedom issues as related to Internet filter, have I got an opportunity for you:
Wednesday, Sep. 16 at 5 p.m. Eastern Time
It's Blocked! How Internet Filters Impact K-12 Learning
Presented by Doug Johnson, blogger and author; Dr. Joyce Valenza, Director of Rutgers University Masters of Information Science Program; and Michelle Luhtala, Head Librarian, New Canaan High School, CT
Community: Emerging Tech: Using Technology to Advance Your School Library Program
Community URL:
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Anymeeting Event ID:
The webinar will be recorded and archived in the community after the event.
Webinar Description
A comprehensive 21st century education should help students build a positive digital footprint, but many students don't have access to the online learning tools this requires. Join Doug Johnson, Dr. Joyce Valenza and Michelle Luhtala for a conversation about the impact of overzealous filtering on teaching and learning in K-12 schools. Doug and Joyce will explain how opening channels of communication for learners improves equity, teaches digital citizenship, and promotes intellectual freedom.
Presenter Bios
Doug Johnson is Director of Technology for the Burnsville-Eagan-Savage (MN) schools and the author of The Blue Skunk Blog and several books, including Teaching Outside the Lines: Developing Creativity in Every Learner (2015).
Joyce is the author of School Library Journal's Never Ending Search blog and Director of Rutgers University's Masters of Information Science Program.
Michelle Luhtala is the library department chair at New Canaan High School in Connecticut and community facilitator at's Emerging Tech: Using Technology to Advance Your School Library Program.
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