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EdTech Update




Entries from September 1, 2015 - September 30, 2015


Policies up-to-date? Pentlin on blocking web sites

Two examples made me start thinking about this issue [reconsideration of blocked websites]. I use Skype in my library science classes and one of my students said she couldn’t use Skype at school. She had found this out when she wanted to Skype her husband who was serving in Afghanistan The district refused to let her use Skype even after school to participate in a graduate class or to contact her husband. It doesn’t take much reading to realize that Skype, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook are being blocked by a number of school districts even though there are many examples in the literature of effective educational use social media.

Not too long ago a school district near me systematically blocked any Web sites that dealt with homosexuality. It was only after the ACLU became involved that the school district backed down in a very public display of contrition which included having to pay the ACLU attorney fees, unblocking non-sexual pro-LGBT sites and reporting regularly about blocked Web sites to an outside party.

In both of the examples above, could the issues have been resolved had there been a collaboratively developed and board approved selection policy in place with a procedure for the reconsideration of Web sites? Of course we know that even with policies in place, a common problem with censorship challenges is that administrators don’t follow their own policies, but even so, having a policy is an important step.

Floyd Pentlin, "Banned Web Sites: Are Your Policies Up-to-Date", Knowledge Quest, Septemeber 8, 2015

I am happy to see AASL continue the work of eliminating the censorship of online tools and resources. Although digital resources still only get a day, while banned books (those old-fashioned paper things) get a whole week, the work does continue.

Super-librarian, Michelle Luhtala, is spearheading this year's BWAD (Blocked Websites Awareness Day). BWAD this year is September 30, 2015. Check the free resources on the site.

Honor BWAD this year by asking a student to show you how to get around your school's Internet filter. You'll be glad you did.


Getting websites and web-based resources including social media treated fairly has long been a horn I've tooted. See:



BFTP: Do I really look that stupid?

First, please don't answer that. It was rhetorical. But here's why I asked...

I've been on an anti-purchased water kick lately. Partly driven by latent environmentalism, but mostly caused by my refusal to be persuaded that I need to spend good money for water that I have been drinking freely from the tap with no ill effects all my life.

So I am waiting for the Pike's Peak Cog Railway to take up the mountain and I ask a young woman who works at the place if the water in the bathrooms is safe to drink. "Oh, sure," she replies. Then looks at me and thinks.

Adding, "So long as you get it out of the sink."

Which makes me wonder if I actually look like a person who might drink from a toilet. Sort of ruined my whole day.




Original post July 5, 2010.


If it doesn't get used, it doesn't get broken

"Don't touch it, you might break it." Seth Godin

This is, of course, the opposite of,

"Touch it, you can make it better."

What's the default where you work?

Godin's simple post reminded me of the philosophy of one of the first tech guys I ever worked with - Jim.  A former math teacher, his rule was simple - the less kids touch the technology, the less likely it is to get broken and the less work that means for me. (He refused to install the Gothic font on the computers in the Mac lab because he was convinced the kids would use that font only write dirty words. Really.) Jim was overworked so one could somewhat understand his POV.

The mindset conflict between the educator and the technician is something that I have experienced and written about for 25 years.

I  boil the conflict down to differing, but equally valid and interdependent, value-laden priorities:

Tech: We need adequacy, relibabilty, and security.

Educator: We need access, simpicity, and flexibility.

As we begin to issue devices to individual students in my district, the discussion regarding control will need to be held among all stake holders. To what degree do we set up student devices for ease of management, for controlling functionality, and for security? To what degree do we give students ease of use, broad functionality, and sensible security measures?

I sometime think that we forget that by allowing students to control (to touch) their own devices, the probability of them improving their functionality is as great or greater than breaking them.

Sorry, Jim.

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