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Professional Development for Administrators

napoleon.jpg All administrators can learn. - Doug

Scott McLeod over at Dangerously Irrelevant asks that we blog about PD for administrators this Independence Day. Instead of messing up my holiday and yours rambling on, I will simply link to a couple of my past articles/resources on the topic:

Happy reading. But I hope you spend your 4th doing something much more pleasant. 

Update: 153 articles, columns, workshop descriptions, etc. now moved to the new website. I think I only have about 100 more to go. 

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Reader Comments (1)

Thanks for the great resources Doug! It's insightful and motivational to see the rubrics and just where we stand as a district. Has this ever been brought up to the technicians or at our meetings? I don't recall ever hearing about it since I started here in October of 99. Might be a good motivational aid, just to see how "on the bleeding edge" we stand in comparison to national standards.

July 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJim Keltgen

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