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EdTech Update




Entries from April 1, 2009 - April 30, 2009


Improving professional organizations with technology

We know that our website needs major work--but we don't even know what's possible, much less what's optimal! Any suggestions about how to start a dialog? Any probing questions you could throw our way? - Director of an educational organization

The expectations members have of the online resources their organizations provide seem to be growing every year. I jotted down a few things I find of value provided online by my professional organizations -  and perhaps a way to think about how to plan for change...

Here are my two cents on how you might approach creating a plan to maximize your website.

I have always thought Zuboff's observations are a good place to start in looking at how any organization uses technology. She observed that technology can be used to automate processes (do what has always been done but more efficiently) or informate processes (take advantage of the intelligence and speed to do what may have been impossible without technology).

I am not sure what all services your organization currently offers its members - the schools or the individuals in them. The distribution of current information, curriculum planning/evaluation, surveys, collaborative projects, and staff development opportunities can all be done or supplemented online efficiently and effectively. A good place to start would be looking at what you are currently doing and seeing if any of these tasks can be "automated" with your website, making them more current, easily revised, and efficient. Hosting online learning environments, webcasting services, or even supporting cloud-based email/calendaring applications for your member schools, especially the smaller ones, might all be services that would be used and appreciated.

As for "informating," the primary thing I've seen websites begin to offer are more personalized, interactive services. This could take several possible shapes on your website:

  • Member schools (and individuals) could have individual log ons and portals. ISTE does this very effectively on its website. One can easily change contact information, renew memberships, join mailing lists, change Special Interest Divisions, etc. The upfront cost of programming is offset by less in house time spent doing this FOR members. Members can customize the look and feel of the website, creating their own "experience."
  • Your website could help facilitate ongoing personal learning networks for its educators by creating and supporting professional networking environments modeled on social networking sites. Nings, wikis, blogs. threaded discussions, and even microblogging sites can be used to promote ongoing conversations, information sharing and problem solving among individuals with common needs and interests. (Library media specialists, for example.)
  • A good website can extend the power of your face-to-face conferences. Again, ISTE has been a pioneer in these efforts, creating pre-conference and post-conference support for both those members who attend and those who can't, as well as encouraging "back channel" communications during the conference itself by organizing live-blogging, chat and other means of reporting out what is happening in sessions in real time. Many sessions are also recorded for later audio or video streaming, making them accessible to members after the conference from a central repository.
This might get you started in your thinking. You've got some great local tech talent in your member schools. A website advisory group could prove beneficial, especially if you hold it someplace warm this winter and invite me to facilitate! (No hidden agenda here.)

So, what in terms of online services should we all be expecting from our professional organizations? What delights you and makes you glad you paid those dues?

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Shameless self promotion...

In today's e-mail...

May's Cable in the Classroom has an article about educational blogs and your Blue Skunk blog is the second one listed. Thought you might like to see the article if you haven't already: Click on Bookmark This!

Cool and totally unexpected.

Except now I feel the pressure to actually live up to the hype.




Dirty feet and starfish

Our starfish, our precious students and even teachers, in whose lives we have made a noted, tangible difference, are the most valuable revitalizing resources we possess. S. Wham

At the heart of all good writing is .... well, heart.

And one of my favorite bloggers, Mr. Shannon Dean Wham, at the Books, Bytes & Grocery Store Feet blog puts his heart out there in most of his writing, but especially in this must-read, "Of Starfish."

I don't know about you, but April and May have always been the months that any career - industrial chemical sales, cross-country truck driving, even, accounting - have started looking pretty good compared to anything in education. Mr. Wham's post ought to help you get through...

BTW, South Carolinians, Mr. Wham is in need of a library position for next year. Speaking as a parent and grandparent, I would love to have my kids have him as their librarian. As we say in Minnesota, you could do worse...