Entries in Educational technology (102)


Looking back

My sense is that the timeline in the last Blue Skunk blog entry is not terribly dissimilar to many school district's technology implementations. (I will be revising it now and then to add things I've forgotten.) Here is my assessment of what has happened with technology in the district since 1991.

  1. We've done a great job on infrastructure. All classrooms are wired for data, video, and voice. All classrooms have a telephone, a teacher computer, and most have TV/VCRs permanently mounted. We have plans to create "smart classrooms" over the next 7 years with mounted LCD projectors and interactive white boards. Our buildings are connected by a fast WAN that has a very high reliability rate, with plans to increase capacity. We have managed to provide student access to reliable computers with up-to-date operating systems and software in all buildings with general labs in libraries in all schools  with  labs in business/tech ed areas, and writing labs in the secondary schools. We're making good progress on establishing wireless access in all buildings with security policies that allow student/staff-owned computers/handhelds to connect. We've managed to hire good and adequate technical staff.
  2. We've done a good job on adminstrative uses of technology. Our student information system, school website, e-mail, networked storage, student portals (Profile), networked calendaring, business funcions of finance and personnel, security, and facilites scheduling are robust and well used. Teachers do attendance, report cards, progress reports, IEPs, curriculum specific skill tracking in reading and math (elementary),  datawarehousing/datamining, and NWEA testing all online. Parents are using online resources we've provided to track student performance in real time.
  3. We've done a fair-poor job on staff development. Our elementary staff gets 12 hours formal tech training every 4-5 years when they get a new desktop computer. We subscribe to AtomicLearning and promote its use. We send out a regular newsletter of technology-related information. We have identified teacher competencies at both a beginning and advanced level, but these are not used for evaluative purposes. We offer voluntary training opportunities and "training-on-demand"  at both the district and building level which a few teachers take advantage of. Staff development in technology at the secondary level is left to buildings where it is minimal. Technology staff development efforts are not a part of the regular staff development efforts.
  4. We've done a poor job on integrating technology skills into the curriculum in all classes with all teachers. While a set of technology and information literacy competencies has been on the books for a long time, they are mostly ignored by many classroom teachers. Our elementary librarians do a good job teaching technology skills, but with only marginal classroom tie-ins. One middle school has a 6 week "tech skills" class; the other does not. Our business and technology education departments have strong technology skill courses that are electives. Most technology use expectations by classroom teachers at the secondary level are in the areas of basic research and writing. Students in high school have a wide range of technology skills (as observed, not measured). Technology and information literacy is not a school board priority as evidenced by board goals. Tech and IL skills are not a state goal with no standards in these areas in Minnesota. The Title II Part D technology requirements of NCLB are not checked for compliance and do not figure into AYP status. The addition of technology has not visibly enabled a move toward a more problem-based, constructivist approach to educating students or giving them "21st Century skills."

If we applied Shona Zubhoff's observation that technology can be used to either automate or infomate, we've done a good job on the automation side. With the administrative functions, most of what we are doing was done in the past on paper, but is now completed faster and/or more accurately. This applies to everything from attendance taking to more legible worksheets to paystubs online.

What has not happened has been the informating side of techology use - doing things that would be impossible to do without technology.  We have better data than ever, but are teachers putting it to use to change how they deliver instruction? We have massive amounts of information available online, but do teachers use a more constructivist, problem-based approach to education? Parents can access their children's test scores, attendance and work completion records - are they using this information to become partners with teachers in making sure their children turn in quality, timely work? Are we even teaching more children basic skills of reading, writing and mathematics than we could have without technology?

To a large degree, the uses and priorities to which technology has been put to date have been in reaction to state and federal requirement, budget tightening, and community pressure. The state and federal governments want more accountability (test scores). Budgets are requiring secretarial and administrative staff members become more efficient. The community and school board want "high tech"  schools - computers, Internet access, a web presence. And since school funding depends on accurate state reporting, NCLB reporting, etc., an adequate, reliable and secure infrastructure has been a high priority.

So the interesting question is: what will the next 10 years in technology look like if, as the personnel people say, the best indicator of future performance is past performance.  Are there factors that might push technology use toward informating purposes rather than simply automating purposes and what's the likelihood of those factors happening?


Brief Timeline of Technology Efforts in ISD77

Brief Timeline of Technology Efforts in ISD77 (Reflections to follow)


  • began regular technology inservices for media specialists who are given Macintosh Classics
  • installed single stand alone computer in each media center with electronic encyclopedia
  • added additional Apple// computers and Corvus networks to elementary schools
  • installed first fax machines in school buildings
  • changed District AV to District Media Technology Services. The new department is to offer computer services, library processing and support, audio-visual production and repair, the district print shop, a video/film library, and delivery services.
  • hired  Media Supervisor to replace the retired AV director
  • unsuccessfully attempted to move 1/2 computer coordinator, 1/2 time math teacher into department
  • acquired 20 e-mail address on the Mankato State University vax for librarians. Line interface.


  • began first year of training for 20 elementary teachers and 20 secondary teachers. Macintosh Classic II computers, printers and 14.4 modems are given in exchange for 30 hours of non-school time for training. Program will eventually teach basic computer productivity skills to all elementary teachers.
  • identified and write CODE 77 basic teacher technology skills
  • installed file servers, Novell operating systems, student workstations and automated library systems in all building media centers
  • installed Xpress/Xchange in each media center that provides access to news and information through cable TV network
  • replaced Apple // computers with 15 Macintosh computers in Garfield lab. Cards to run Apple II software included.
  • began moving elementary computer labs to classrooms adjacent to media centers with connecting doors. All school library media centers will eventually have computer labs in or adjacent to them.
  • established District Media Technology Advisory Committee of teachers, administrators, parents, students and community members.
  • hired district’s first computer technician


  • installed data and telephone network drops in all rooms and offices at Dakota Meadows, West, Eagle Lake – our model “high tech” schools – as part of building and remodeling efforts.
  • wired Kennedy school classrooms for data with help of volunteer parents and staff.
  • installed 24 computers in Kennedy classrooms for teacher and student use.
  • installed 80 computers in Dakota Meadows labs and classrooms.
  • installed 12 station PC lab at Alternative High School.
  • installed WAN network consisting of permanently connected 14 baud modems in all district buildings and connection to the Internet cloud.
  • hired  full time as computer coordinator for district (with office in department)


  • started TnT Academy, 5 days of summer workshops for teachers in technology skills
  • started formal secretarial training
  • installed email servers and Internet connections in all buildings to provide email of all staff and students
  • installed data and telephone drops in all rooms and offices at East JH and SH, Roosevelt, Monroe, Jefferson, Hoover, and Franklin schools
  • installed 30 station lab in West High School media center
  • installed 24 classroom computers in Roosevelt 2nd and 4th grade classrooms
  • moved District Media and Technology Services from basement to 2nd floor of West High School Annex.


  • Information Skills curriculum written by media specialists that included the objectives for both the library/media curriculum and computer curriculum
  • installed data and telephone drops in all rooms and offices at Garfield, Washington, Alternative High School, and the District Offices - all classrooms and offices have telephones and data jacks.
  • installed lab in East Media Center for high school students
  • began Accelerated Reader, a reading promotion program, in elementary schools with funds donated by PTOs
  • installed many computers in elementary labs purchased through PTO donations


  • district media advisory committee wrote first long-range tech plan for state
  • implemented integrated Information Skills curriculum in two content areas at each elementary grade level
  • added a lab for Franklin 6th grade center
  • added 30 computers to East Media Center for junior high students
  • installed coaxial wide area network (10BT shared) with cable company
  • created district website
  • board adopted first Acceptable Use Policy for the Internet
  • first webpage guidelines written for the district
  • install CCC lab at one elementary school for Title I. Runs for 3 years.
  • hired first elementary computer technician


  • online elementary progress reports started using home-grown FileMakerPro database
  • online Individual Education Plans for special education students begun
  • began advanced CODE 77 training and upgraded equipment for teachers
  • TnT Academy taken over by South Central Technical College
  • World Wide Web page design and FileMaker Pro training for individuals in buildings given
  • added 15 station computer labs to all elementary buildings
  • began replacing dumb hubs with switches and smart hubs
  • remodeled Jefferson media center


  • selected new student management system (SASIxp) to replace 10 year old Osiris
  • started MeetingMaker – a shared calendar program for all administrators
  • began using Internet services provided by regional consortium SOCRATES
  • NCA visit evaluated media and technology programs
  • remodeled Franklin media center
  • conducted first security audit of networks
  • added media and information skills to elementary progress reports
  • hired Student Information System Manager 


  • added networked district file space for all staff and students (YODA)
  • teachers began using Classxp to take attendance and do final grades online
  • purchased subscription to online full-text magazine databases and provided access to state provided databases
  • remodeled Hoover media center
  • add two secondary computer technicians


  • upgraded network that connects all buildings to shared Ethernet 100BT fiber network leased from telephone company
  • aligned Information Skills curriculum with Graduation rule requirements
  • began recording and reporting of Basic and High Standards in student information systems
  • purchased and implemented IntegradePro at middle schools
  • piloted online grade book system (ParentConnectxp) accessible by parents at East Junior High
  • began datamining project to help determine effectiveness of educational programs
  • library programs nominated for national award
  • implemented web-forms for teacher pages
  • began using SmartFinance online accounting purchasing system
  • add second elementary technician


  • wrote technology benchmarks for student 9-12 and placed technology skills in required classes
  • acquired World Book Encyclopedia online for school and home use by students
  • upgraded schools library catalogs to make them web-accessible
  • created listservs for district parents
  • installed system wide virus protection system
  • installed electronic entry system in all buildings


  • purchased and implemented IntegradePro at high schools
  • expanded online grade book system accessible by parents at all middle schools schools
  • developed cheating and plagiarism guidelines
  • monitored tech skill inclusion in Grad Rule packages
  • built database of elementary IL/tech projects
  • provided MarcoPolo training
  • started media and tech department monthly newsletter (in e-mail format)
  • worked with new staff development coordinator to formulate long-term staff development technology plan.
  • installed Apple Network Administrator on all teacher computers
  • pilot Read (un)Naturally in one elementary building


  • worked with staff development coordinator to formulate long-term staff development technology plan.
  • installed wireless 802.11a base stations in each media center and study hall for use by students and staff with wireless laptops
  • conducted marketing/advocacy campaign for Mankato School Library Media Centers.
  • employed spam filtering software for staff email accounts.
  • conducted training sessions on data mining for administrators and building site teams
  • rewrote state required long range technology plan
  • contracted for regular security sweep of the district’s networks.
  • create VPN for security purposes.
  • wrote security policies.
  • completed authentication database
  • Apple OSX in all elementary schools


  • expanded online grade book system accessible by parents at all high schools
  • work with new staff development coordinator to formulate long-term staff development technology plan.
  • worked with Curriculum Council on placing information literacy and technology standards in secondary written content area curricula based on survey.
  • install and inservice teachers on Digital Curriculum.
  • improve interface of district website and conduct usability study.
  • training and using AtomicLearning.
  • begin transportation database project.
  • install X-serve servers and begin using Apple Profile
  • install and configure NAS backup device for servers.
  • create position of Administrative Systems Manager


  • continue work with Curriculum Council on placing information literacy and technology standards in secondary written content area curricula based on survey.
  • review current technology benchmarks for K-8 to ascertain that they will meet the requirements of NCLB.
  • form library media study groups to discuss best practices and the media/technology program’s contributions to student achievement.
  • implement NWEA online testing, grades 2-10
  • work with staff development coordinator to formulate long-term staff development technology plan.
  • write guidelines for student owned technology used in schools
  • implement databases for reading and math achievement in all elementary schools
  • implement district-wide facility scheduling program for Community Ed
  • switch from Novell to Windows NOS
  • finish adding voice mail to all schools
  • pass technology referendum for $500,000 per year for seven years to 1) improve student access to tech resources, provide projectors and interactive white boards in all classrooms, improve infrastructure (move to 100 mb switchedWAN)
So this is what I have a record of and/or remember. Observations in next entry.

Learning From Our Failures

If you get a moment, read Meredith’s blog entry, Technology Failures: My Brilliant Failures on her Information Wants to be Free blog.  (Meredith is the Distance Learning Librarian at Norwich University in Northfield, Vermont). A couple of her “failures” center around employing Web 2.0 technologies, anticipating that her staff would be as excited about them as she was.

Believe it or not, I had started an article back in May 2004 along a similar vein – examining some projects that just didn’t work in our district and why. If one could identify common elements of failed technology implantations, perhaps one could use them to predict whether future implementations will be successful or plan strategies that will minimize the likelihood of failure. Leaving the door open, of course, for new and more inventive ways to muck things up.

From my earlier draft...


While the Mankato Schools’ tech department has a long string of technology “wins,” there are three notable “losses” that have occurred while I have been the director: the purchase and use of an early digital video editing system, the implementation of interactive television, and the attempt at creating a data-mining resource. While none of these projects was either financially or educationally catastrophic (I AM still employed), each cost the district and our department many hours of professional and technician time and decreased our credibility.

So what the hell went wrong?

Digital Video Editing (1996) At this time we had a young and ambitious video tech on staff who wanted in the worst way to replace our analog editing equipment with the latest in digital editing software. I think we laid out about $13K for a system that just never did work quite right. The tech became so frustrated (and probably tired of my questions) that she quit and the equipment sat unused. iMovie made an appearance not long after, and the rest is history. Lessons learned?

  • Don’t buy a technology that is so complicated only a single person can run it. Or cross train if you do.
  • Don’t try to fix it if it isn’t broken. Our analog system couldn’t make someone disappear in a shower of sparkles from a scene, but for about everything else it worked fine.
  • Wait for the technology to mature.

Interactive Television (1999) At the cost of about $20K (from a grant, not local dollars), we installed an interactive television hook-up in our district staff development room. Other than one university course, an after school advanced math class, and a few meetings, the equipment did not get used and we removed it after two years. We now use other ITV facilities in town for meetings when needed. Lessons learned?

  • Don’t build it and hope they will come. They won’t come. We might have had better success had we placed the set-up in a high school rather than in our annex to a high school.
  • Don’t assume that just because others use a technology, you need it too. Our smaller neighboring districts use ITV for offering classes that the single small district alone can’t provide. They use it to give high school students the chance to take college courses. Mankato doesn’t really have low incident classes because of the size of our high schools and we have several colleges within easy driving distance for kids wanting classes at that level.
  • Don’t forget to take entrenched interests into account. Offering Japanese sounds like a wonderful idea until your current world language teachers see it as competition to their own class offerings (and job security).
  • Wait for the technology to mature. Of course, I’ve been waiting for quality, easy-to-use, and reliable ITV connectivity for 15 years. It just hasn’t happened.

Data-mining (2001) We contracted with a regional tech center in Minneapolis to develop a data ware-housing, data-mining solution. About six months into the project, the tech center closed. We found another developer. He bailed after deciding his company would rather focus on online testing. Total lose of funds was about $20K and countless staff hours of planning. We have since joined with a group of schools who all use a commercial data-mining product, Sagebrush Analytics, that is supported by the (solvent, I hope) regional tech center that also supports our student information system. It’s still been a struggle, but it works to a degree. Lessons learned?

  • Don’t go it alone. Our project, while important to us, was small potatoes to the developers. We did not get priority service. If there are not many schools asking for changes or fixes, you won’t get much attention.
  • Don’t buy a product without thinking of the service and support component. Duh!
  • Figure out ways to grow a big system. We started trying to capture every test score, every intervention and every piece of student demographic data. Better to get a subset of things working well than everything badly.
  • The new project is really the assessment department's baby, not ours. We provide technical support and implementation, but not leadership.
  • Wait for the technology to mature. Even after 3 years of using the commercial Sagebrush product, we are still only part way to having a fully functioning solution.

Of course, one can’t guard against the arbitrary. Businesses fail, people quit and products are discontinued. But mabye better planning can help minimize these potential catastrophes.

In general, my rules are now:

  1. Don’t do it unless there is a genuine task that needs doing or a real problem that needs solving.
  2. Go with the tried and true and in a group.
  3. Make support as high a priority as functionality.

The older I get, the happier I am to let others be on the “bleeding” edge of technology implementation. Does this mean it’s time for me to step aside and let a braver soul lead? I think about this often.

Other things you may have learned from failed tech implementations?