
A Little Learning

A little learning is a dang’rous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again. - Alexander Pope

A somewhat interesting (but on reflection, not unusual) chain of events happened last night as I was checking my BlogLines feeds just before going to bed.
  1. I read Will Richardson’s Weblogg–ed blog entry that…
  2. Referenced David Weinberger's Jo-Ho blog (that I added to my feeds) that…
  3. Referenced Karen Schneider’s Free Range Librarian blog (that I added to my feeds) that…
  4. Linked to an article she wrote for Library Journal on blogging ethics that referenced…
  5. A Bloggers' Code of Ethics on CYBERJOURNALIST.NET  and
  6. Michael Stephen’s Tame the Web blog (that I added to my feeds) and his The Library Blogger's Personal Protocols.
My five-minute quick blog check turned into 45 minutes reading and the LWW asking “What are you doing on the computer? Having cybersex or what?” And this was 45 minutes I would have spent continuing to read Ray Kurzweil’s probably important book The Singularity is Near.

Now I’ve admitted that blogliness, like e-mail, exacerbates my ADD, but maybe things are simply getting out of hand. It’s starting to feel that I can exercise about the same degree of control over this sort of spontaneous reading that I have over my caramel corn consumption – I can't stop once I've started.

What I really am wondering is how is my reading time is best spent – snacking on blogs or feasting on books when I have time to do but one or the other in an evening. Strangly enough. I'm developing an ever greater degree of sympathy for the Net Genners who “satisfice” to meet their informational needs.

I’m pretty sure that reading Kurzweil’s book is good for me. Nice know just how much computing power a 2.2 pound rock contains should scientists ever figure out how to harness the processing power of atomic particles. I guess. Such a thick book certainly makes me look smart when I carry it about. And there is a genuine sense of accomplishment when I finish such a tome, much like a 4th grader feels after finishing a Harry Potter.

On the other hand, by blogging around last night, I stumbled on a relevant, important topic (blogging ethics) that I had not thought about before, and after reading three short articles, I now probably know more about the topic than than 95% of the rest of the blogging world– which I am quite sure qualifies me as an expert. Oh, and the knowledge gained will immediately guide my practice.

Is “a little learning” more important in a fast-paced world than "drinking deep?" Would Pope now have to write A little learning is a ness'ry thing? And just why would one want to be sober anyway, Mr. Pope?

Out of curiosity, did you make it through this entry without clicking on an external link? Adding  a new RSS feed? Are your kids' “hypertext” learning styles rubbing off on you? Shouldn't you be off reading a good book?

Jolt of Java - Revisited

Last month I posted the findings from a request sent to librarians asking about coffeeshops in school libraries (A Jolt of Java @ Your Library). Below is a very nice follow-up and one of several pictures included with the e-mail. Thanks, Sara!


 Hi Doug,  I am one who was searching for info last year on cafes in the IMC.  I just wanted to let you know that I followed my gut instinct on this one and am happy I did so.  Things were getting a little stagnant in the IMC and this has brought students and staff in and only been positive.  Our cappuccino/hot chocolate cafe area has been in business since school opened and things have gone very well.  (We have a very small 1970 IMC.)  Our new cafe is the one area that I never have to address behavior in.  The kids have risen to the occasion and are acting very mature and seem to love it.  This week we added checkers and chess and that too, is working well.  I am enclosing some pics-most taken when the room was empty in order for people to see how it looks.  So my word is, if anyone is so inclined to try it, they should go for it.  I am so pleased.  Thanks for listening, Sara

Sara Johnson, IMC Coordinator
D. C. Everest Senior High IMC
Schofield, WI  54476

 cap in IMC 1.JPG


More on librarians' shoes

Just a quick update to an earlier blog posting on librarians' shoes.

From an e-mail received October 10. 

I am attaching a photo of my shoes.
Deb Logan
Librarian/Media Specialist
Mount Gilead High School

Deb, these are truly stunning.
I am now more glad than ever that I am a guy. I would never be able to match my shoes to the rest of my ensemble as well as you.