Reading Truths, Keynotes and More Books

One of the big anxiety producers for conference planners is picking keynote speakers. They are a big financial outlay, and more importantly, a speaker can set the tone of the entire conference. Imagine my dismay on opening an e-mail from one our local media specialists just after I had announced that Dr. Jeff McQuillan was one of our keynoters for this fall’s conference:
Doug - I hear you are going to get this speaker for the 2005 Memo Conference in lieu of Krashen–Jeff McQuillan. Have you lost your mind!!
My heart dropped. But then I read on…
This man is spoiled little brat!! Well–I might be a little biased –he is my youngest brother. Hmmm, I could provide some very interesting details on that speaker — maybe even get people to stay for the Saturday session……. He is a native Minnesotan, but because he grew up in the inner-city of St. Paul among exclusively Irish Catholics, he won’t understand all your outstate Scandahoovian schtick!! I have tried to enlighten him among other family members over my last 21 years living here–but they are so provincial!! His biggest fear is that his 10 siblings will all show up and heckle him from the front row…..oh that would be sad……but most of them are too cheap to spend the gas money to travel to Mankato! Seriously, any dirt–I’m the one to turn to!! - Kathy
As it turned out, Dr. MQuillan was introduced by his sister this morning (dirt and all) and none of the other siblings showed. Dr. McQuillan was terrific - presenting a refreshing view of the so called “literacy crisis,” why test scores rise and fall, and the importance of good libraries to reading achievement. A great opener for our “reading” day.
After two weeks of what seems like constant conferences, (AASL and MEMO), I now have nearly a bookshelf full of professional “must-reads.”
The first is Dr. McQuillan’s book The Literacy Crisis; False Claims, Real, Solutions in which he elaborates on this morning’s themes.
The second, of course, is yesterday’s keynote speaker David Warlick’s book Raw Materials for the Mind: A Teacher’s Guide to Digital Literacy.
The third, is Frances Harris’s I Found It On the Internet: Coming of Age On-line. .
I’m looking forward to reading all of them. Book reports to follow…
What are the educational “must-reads” that should be on our book shelves?
May all your keynoters be as informative, entertaining and inspiring as Mr. Warlick and Dr. McQuillan. And don’t believe everything that their sisters may have to say.

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