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Rainy Sunday Thoughts

Once again taking a break from any kind of mental heavy lifting this rainy morning. I do believe this is the first Sunday I've had at home all month.

1. Take a look at John Pederson's pedersondesigns blog. I found his latest entry, Warning: Technology Guys Using the Word “Pedagogy” and a link to Managing Complex Change interesting stuff. Thanks, John.

2. In reseaching the talk "The Knowledge Worker Redux" that I am giving for the National Library Board of Singapore next month, I got happily re-aquainted with Art Costa and Bena Kallick's approach to listing and describing "intelligent behavior" that they call Habits of Mind. While they have the entire books and workshops thing going, a great introduction can be found in a short, down-loadable paper on their site.

3. When did people start pronouncing devisive to ryhme with submissive rather than decisive?

4. One of the best parts of Kurzweil's book The Singularity is Near is called "From Goat Skins to Downloads" pp. 54-56. In examining the life cycle of technologies, he uses the book as an example. He considers "the enormous installed base" of printed books to be a obstacle in the implementation of electronic books. I wonder if  the Google Print project is making Kurzweil reconsider?

5. Reading Kurzweil's optimistic views of the melding of humanity and technology, I felt compelled to re-read Bill Joy's APril 2000 Wired magazine article 'Why the Future Doesn't Need Us." I hope the future is more like that which Kurzweil predicts, but I'd place my bets on Joy's dystopian descriptions.

6. In the reading I've done on blogging ethics, it's highly recommended that a blogger state his/her biases "upfront" in the interest of journalist integrity. They are now on the right, under Links.

7. And finally, under the category Damned by Faint Praise, this came in the mail last week from the Run for Education event held last month:


Next year, I'm going for the gold!

Hoping your Sunday is as relaxing as mine. 

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