Standards 2.0

If you never change your mind, why have one? Edward deBono
Web 2.0
Encouraging to know that one is only 13 months or so behind in keeping up with the latest in geek-speak.
While dimly aware that the pace and direction of web application change has been at gale speed over the last few months (wikis, podcasts, blogs, RSS feeds, etc), I didn’t know these things all fell under the common rubric of Web 2.0 until hearing Michael Keller describe the term at the NLB conference last week. (I am a slow learner, but I am a learner.) The origin of the term seems to have come from the Web 2.0 Conference held in back in October of 2004 by Reilly and Media.
In “What Is Web 2.0? Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software,” 09/30/2005, Tim O'Reilly, compares Web 1.0 apps to Web 2.0 apps (partial listing)
Web 1.0 --> Web 2.0
Ofoto --> Flickr
Britannica Online --> Wikipedia
personal websites --> blogging
publishing --> participation
content management systems --> wikis
directories (taxonomy) --> tagging ("folksonomy")
stickiness --> syndication
I’d urge you to read two other pieces as well that hint at some of the implications for education:
- Web 2.0, Kathy Schrock’s Nov 17th Kaffeeklatsch blog entry
- Seconds out, round two (London Guardian) Nov 15, 2005
Leading to Standards 2.0
Chris Harris’s Infomancy blog entry NETS remixed points to Jeff Utecht’s The Thinking Stick blog entry “NETS in the 2.0 World” where he has cleverly substituted “information” for “technology” in ISTE’s NETS standards. This blew me away!
I am convinced that AASL’s Information Power Standards and ISTE’s NETS Standards need to be revised into a single document. If one does a Venn diagram of each set of standards, it might look like this - with more overlap than one might think:
Librarians need to understand and master the revolutionary impact of technology, including Web 2.0 trends, on their programs and professional skill sets as reflected in their standards. Technology folks need to realize that learning how to use technology without ever applying it to learning (especially research and problem-solving like information literacy standards require) is not worth much. A single set of standards blending student IT and IL competencies with an eye toward the kinds of understandings and skills required of working in a Web 2.0 environment would be powerful indeed.
OK, ISTE and AASL members – let’s put a little pressure on our professional association leaders, Don Knezek <> and Julie Walker <> to make this happen!
Reader Comments (1)
And you are right on with this:
"A single set of standards blending student IT and IL competencies with an eye toward the kinds of understandings and skills required of working in a Web 2.0 environment would be powerful indeed."