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A couple good sites

For fans of It's a Wonderful Life, take a look at the clever parody at: It's a Wonderful Internet. (Thanks to WWWedu for this one.)


 Read Tony Long's passionate and funny defense of the First Amendment in "Your Right to Be an Idiot" in Wired online. Says Mr. Long:

There's an old expression in the newspaper business: "If your mother says she loves you, check it out." In other words, make sure your bullshit detector is always on. Be skeptical of what you're told, of what you read. Cross-check your facts with other sources. What applies in the newsroom applies tenfold on the internet, where anybody is free to post any damned thing they want to.
He'd make a great librarian.


 While I can't in good conscience make Will Richardson's prediction of a "blog break," I will be scaling back over the holidays. I'm looking forward to my daughter's family - husband and two grandsons - spending the week after Christmas with us. My mom will be here for a couple days. We'll head to the Twin Cities to have Chrismas dinner with the LWW's large  family. Son Brady spent the last few days with us, home from college, and is now heading to see grandparents in Iowa. Before he left, he gave me a few new Blue Skunk sketches too.


I never understood the old relatives when they would say, "All I want for Chrismas is just for you to come home." I get it now.

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