In praise of slow thinking

Actor John Cleese writes the closing column for the Dec/Jan 2006 issue of Edutopia. Titled "Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind," Cleese argues that the source of creativty lies in playful, leisurely thinking as opposed to that which is deliberate and conscious. Good news for those of us who are right-brainers and just don't think all that fast.
One of the things I like most about our weekly tech meetings in the district is that they are fun. We get a lot of work done, but we also tend to have a lot of laughs. And you know what? We get a lot of problems solved in the process. Where does more work get done: at meetings that are serious or at those which are fun? Think about it - slowly.
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Say no more. (or should I say NNWWSNM).
Reader Comments (2)
I couldn't agree more. I'm presently revising for exams, and the process is so long for me, it's becoming quite frustrating, to say the least. I'm a very slow thinker because I like to be thorough; because I enjoy this process, it simply exacerbates the problem.
how true...from a Right/Left brainer....I like that title hair brain, tortoise mind....I get more done when I have fun thinking of nothing or something, playing or being happy, laughing like a kid.