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New toy department

eagleprofile.jpgMy new digital camera came this week. It's a Panasonic Lumix FZ5. 12X optical zoon, 5 megapixels and image stabilization. So far seems to be a nice compromise for someone who is too cheap to buy a digital SLR, but wants better pictures. Used the camera as an excuse to go eagle watching along the Mississippi between Wabasha and Red Wing on Saturday. A few pictures here and more at my smugmug site under travel.


Not bad for a $350 camera, IMHO. eaglefeeding.jpg


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Reader Comments (1)

The pictures are great! The camera takes really sharp pictures; I'm going to have to look at it. But will it fit in my purse? Well, my purse IS rather large...

But, did you really eat that food? That picture is way too sharp!

Grinning, Sara
January 16, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterSara Kelly Johns

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