Off line

Things have been quiet here on the blog lately and are likely to remain so for a while. Lots of travelling right now - Wisconsin, Texas, Georgia, Oklahoma, Beijing, Tennessee, Santiago, Michigan and Ohio - all this month and next to do speaking and consulting. (The LWW says I have to keep going farther and farther away before people haven't heard my old jokes.) I'm having a wonderful time everywhere and meeting exceptional people, but I don't much enjoy writing in coach, at the gate, or after checking in late, late at night. I plan to read for a while rather than write. Lucky you.
So here's the deal... I am counting on some great newer library bloggers to pick up the slack, including Jaquie Henry at Wanderings, Sara Kelly Johns at From the Inside Out and Diane Chen at Deep Thinking, all thoughtful practitioners. I am hoping that mention this, I can guilt them into writing more. Send links to other fresh voices for libraries and technology here as well!
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