Becoming George

In the early 90s when I was working as a high school librarian, my nemesis was the technology director, George. My job was to get as many teachers and students excited about using technology as possible; George's job was keeping everything running smoothly. And the best way to keep things in good order, he firmly believed, was to not let them be used.* George seemed to be continuosly removing software and features and installing controls to lock users out of as much of the computer as possible. (When I once asked him why he removed all but the system fonts on the computers in a lab, he explained that "kids just use the fancy fonts to write dirty words anyway.")
Until this morning, I alway viewed George as my evil twin. But now I think I have become George.
Next year we are giving teachers the option of a laptop computer instead of a desktop computer. My techs want to use DeepFreeze or a similar product on these teacher laptops for security purposes. When this program is installed, a "clean" copy of the operating system and authorized software is created each time the computer is rebooted. Any teacher-made OS changes or teacher-installed software goes away - including, we anticipate, viruses, spyware and unlicensed/unathorized programs.
And I found myself liking the idea. What's changed?
Probably the main reason that I'm more sympathetic to locking down computers is that their reliabiliy has become so darned important. Attendance will not be taked, grades will not be recorded, bulletins will go unread, parent e-mail will not be received; presentations will not be made; digital films will not be shown; websites will not be shared if the teacher's computer doesn't work. And the list of mission-critical tasks that teachers are using these things gets longer each year.
Even a few years ago if a teacher's computer was unusable or unavailable for a few days, schooling did not end. (It hardly slowed down.) Such is not the case today.
I expect to get grief from teachers when they learn that 'their" new computers are not theirs to ding with at will. And what will be my reply?
- Were you working at the bank, the insurance office, the law office or any other place of business, you would not have the freedom to install or modify your company computer to suit yourself. You would have access to the programs that help you get your work done. Period. Why should this not hold true in schools?
- We need to stop the use of unlicensed software in the district.
- We can only protect you (somewhat) from viruses, spyware and other nasties when you are inside our firewalled network. If you use your machine at home or in the coffeeshop, you might very well pick something up that once
inside our network would wreak havoc.
- Our tech staff has enought to do without fixing problems brought about when unathorized software causes system crashes, slow downs or other problems.
I've always believed that technology policy decisions are best made by as large a group of stakeholders as possible. Our district advisory commitee meets in a couple weeks to discuss this plan. But if they nix the use of DeepFreeze, I may just override them.
I am becoming George. This must be what it feels like to be caught in quicksand - you are completely aware of the situation, but powerless to do anything about the relentless downward pull...
* Plenty of librarians have a similar theory: the books stay in order on the shelves better if they aren't checked out.
Reader Comments (12)
I agree that it's important to stop the installation of unauthorized software and viruses, etc. Unfortunately, locking down computers can also stop experimentation and discovery of new tools that can enhance the teaching & learning experience. Will you have a "thawed" space on the machine that will allow teachers to download and save new materials they find? A process that will allow them to experiment with new pieces of software that will help them in the classroom?
It's a fine line to walk, and a decision I don't envy you having to make.
Active Directory...I know all about it. Sure, it has its benefits, but only for the network techies. Aside from them, it's a pain in the rear for teachers to use.
If you install it, I'm buying my own laptop and you can keep the computer. But don't expect me to use that school computer except as an expensive doorstop. If you want me to do digital storytelling, and all that reflective stuff that captures the attention of students, well, you can just forget it. I haven't seen an active directory computer configured properly that will work the way it needs to.
If I'm going have to put up with all that trouble, I might as well go work in business and make MORE money. That way, I'll be paid more than you, Desktop Dictator George.
Furthermore, who the heck do you think you are? You're not god. You're about to limit my creativity and ability to work with students. You're probably part of the Gadget Gestapo, the Network Nazi, that locks up computers, blocks web sites with "myspace" all because you aren't able to THINK DIFFERENT.
You know what? You're a dinosaur and when you pass from this earth, George, teachers and students both will coordinate a massive celebration using their cell phones and
You know, Doug, that's what I think a teacher would say to your response. So, how's that quicksand taste? I find that if I say little, I don't quite sink as fast.
Miguel Guhlin
I don't think you can give teachers a laptop and then tell them they can't use it for personal reasons. That's like giving a kid a piece of candy and saying 'don't eat it!' I understand the protection factor, but part of having a computer is making it your own. Your programs, your screen saver, etc. If teachers can not personalize their machines will they even use them, or will they just become desktop replacements taking up less space on a teachers desk?
We are thinking of doing a similar thing at my school, the only different being the laptops would be a welcoming gift to the teachers as new employees. (Being a private international school, we have some funds) When new teachers come to our school they get $4,000 for relocation allowance. We're thinking of giving them $3,000 and a laptop. That way the laptop belongs to them, will be configures to work on the schools network, but is not a school owned machine. We are really good about not allowing unlicensed software on our school machines, but we are in China (I need not say more). I know other schools don't have this luxury and I'm not sure if that is our final recommendation to the board, but I think it clears up some of the mess of the school owning the laptops.
Sounds like you have already made your decision, I'll be interested to hear how the teachers respond.
Please come back over to the teacher side. I know your heart is there. Yes, we all realize at some point that we are "becoming our parents" - yikes! But the world becomes a better place when one generation learns from, and does not repeat, the missteps of the previous generation.
Districts are absolutely squashing - out of fear, and nothing else (well, maybe lack of money) - what could be the biggest positive change in education in 500 years. Content filters, desktop controls, remote administration, are handy, affordable, and they can be controlled by a small, efficient group. This model is certain death for web 2.0
I hope we do not have to wait another 500 years for another opportunity. Am I discouraged? Of course. Will I fight this attitude and model of authority with every ounce I have? You bet. It's too important, and I care too much about the future of my kids. I think I'm not alone. - Mark in Seattle
Following up your email noting that you do in fact use Mac OS X, which I agree is as secure as you're going to get...
I'm not sure how much of a difference trying to do some "deep freeze" kind of thing will make, because many, if not most Mac OS X applications can be installed into and run from any folder, including in the user's home directory.
But I have a suggestion for Doug: I'm assuming that in any given school, there will be some teachers who won't want to install stuff and some teacher who might (the tech-savvy innovators). If your concern is that implementing something like DeepFreeze would teachers of the latter group, let them have the option to opt-out from having a school machine assigned to them AND help them acquire a laptop of their own, e.g. co-funding or subsidised (my 2nd assumption is that you allow staff to bring their own machines to connect to the school network). Perhaps this way, you'd address the school's larger security concern and still meet the needs of the tech-savvy teachers halfway or even fully.
Install the deep freeze. Teachers can add software, delete software, save anything they need to in thawspace or burn to CD rom, or ave to flash drive
They cam use the computers without fear of ruining the computer. Turn it off and turn it back on and with deep freeze it just like day one. Perfect