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Danger and opportunity: a keynote companion paper

This is the charge from the Queensland Public Library conference organizers:

Just on the Conference theme: Libraries - A Lifestyle Experience! Really, both your presentations at the Singapore conference (E Books and the Knowledge worker REDUX) were so relevant to public libraries, so please feel free to incorporate this type of material into how Libraries generally impact global lifestyles by providing  and keeping pace with State of the Art technology, and the management of knowledge and information in the future, including collaboration with schools to assist with student studies, cultural experiences and techno needs of the future....I have no doubt that your presentation will be something to indeed WOW! all attendees.

Here is the companion article I've written to go with the keynote. Now you know why the blog has been quiet. Comments on the article are welcome.

 If there are any public library readers willing to read this and comment, I would be especially appreciative. My experience and interest, of course, lies in the areas of school libraries and technology, but my audience here is public librarians. All I can say is thank goodness they are Australian public librarians who will be friendly, humorous, intelligent and kind - if past experience is any indication.

crisisideogram.jpgThis has been an interesting exercise in another way. It's one of the first extended pieces of writing I've undertaken since immersing myself in the blogosphere as both a reader and a writer. I am amazed on looking this over, how heavily I've been influenced by blog reading and reading materials that bloggers have pointed me to. And of course, I've used my blog as a source from much of this material.

And  how have blogs effected you? Or have they?

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Reader Comments (1)

Blog reading/writing has inspired much change for me. I find the conversation fascinating and ideas are bouncing around my head all the time. The ideas are now bouncing out of my head into our school planning team and our high school reform committee. It is exciting to be on committee whose charge is to "dream big" and assume nothing. I hope to bring the rest of the committee into the conversation some day. On a strictly mundane plane - my own blog has helped me organize ideas, links, humorous side-trips etc. all into one convenient, search-able, on-line "notebook". It gives me that illusion of control that I needed so desperately!
May 21, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterJacquie Henry

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