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Head for the Edge 2005-06

I've loaded and linked my 2005-06 Head for the Edge columns from Library Media Connection to my website. This year the columns were:

I've noticed the huge impact that this blog has had on my column writing, not just for Library Media Connection, but for Leading & Learning and Education World, too. The blog has become my primary source of  ideas, drafts and trial balloons for many of my columns.

While at times difficult and time-consuming, columns tend to be more satisfying to write than blog entries. They need to be tighter, more concise, polished. They need to pass muster with an editor. They need to be written with an audience in mind rather than simply for self-bloviation. There are constraints that force me to actually work on them. And the writing is better for it.

I guess I better find them enjoyable to write - I'm committed to another 20 next school year!

Any feedback about this year's columns is most certainly welcome. 

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