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Interesting article in April 24, 2006 New York Times on how newspapers are looking to transition themselves to e-paper.
Thanks to John Dyer for sending this to me.

All banner artwork by Brady Johnson, professional graphic artist.
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Interesting article in April 24, 2006 New York Times on how newspapers are looking to transition themselves to e-paper.
Thanks to John Dyer for sending this to me.
Reader Comments (1)
Thank you so much for your advice and support in building our African Safari e-books.
The collaborative project really took off.
The kids decorated their classroom and wore African costumes to show off their e- books, complete with an interactive table of contents, Glossary and Works Cited page.
Thanks Doug for the Q and A idea. We incorporated that in too.
We posted a sample e book on our website.
The links are not perfect, but the learning opportunities were optimal!
Take your own journey and visit us at:
Click on collaborative projects and download African e book sample.
Melissa Swenson
Jeffco Public Schools, Colorado