So ugly it hurts

He's so ugly his parents had to tie a porkchop around his neck to get the dogs to play with him. - old school yard joke.
In helping a friend do a Delphi study for her PhD program, I've been looking a LOT of school library media center websites. God bless any librarian who makes the effort to provide good online resources for his/her kids. A lot of thought and sweat are on display.
But there are way too many school library websites that can only be described as butt ugly. I don't care how good the links on them are, if the colors and layout make one's teeth hurt, it just doesn't matter. Get your art teacher or a person with some design sense in to critique your pages. Or follow Robin Williams's advice in her The Non-Designer's Web Book. Or hire a student who's doing well in art class. If you can't get to beautiful, at least shoot for non-offensive.
Remember Daniel Pink's admonition that it's "Not just function, but also DESIGN. Are you scaring kids away from your virtual library?

Reader Comments (2)
Ever since her book The Mac is not a Typewriter came out, I've been a big fan of Robin Williams. Here Non-Designer's Design Book is a classic.
All the best,