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NCLB strikes again

The title of this blog entry is the same as the subject line of an e-mail I received from my daughter yesterday. It read:

So I'm walking home with Paul yesterday, and I ask him about story time in Kindergarten. He says, "Well, I didn't hear the stories today, because it was my turn to go up to the office and have my smartness tested."  
I knew they were going to be assessing which kids to put into an all-day program to help under prepared children be ready for 1st grade, but it was just sad to have him put it that way. And that he had to miss story time for it. We read an extra book at home to make up for it.

Carrie is not an educator, yet blames NCLB for the testing madness. Will there be a political backlash from concerned parents over this testing mania? One can hope.

I'm going to get pretty mad when they start messin' with MY grandson's story time! 

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