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Lesson learned

Yesterday I promised to report how my "Choose Your Own Presentation" went. Well...

What I did not factor in was speaking in a theater (for 2100) where the computer sat on a stage about 4 feet above the main seating area with no stairs from the floor to the stage. In such venues, I hate to stand on a stage when there are fewer a hundred folks attending.  Normally such a situation is not a problem. Jump down off the stage once and "Have remote. Will travel." In linear presentations one can easily click through the slides and move a fair distance from the computer.

In this case, when I needed to click on a particular object on the screen, I found my remote's cursor control is not that good, and I wound up leaping on and off the stage throughout the talk. (Why do our minds instist we are still in our 30s when our bodies argue we are a couple decades older?) I am sure it was vastly entertaining and bets were being place as to when I would slip, rip my trousers, or collapse from exhaustion. At least it kept people's attention - even if it was for the wrong reason.

Other than that, giving folks a choice seemed to work quite nicely.

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