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When life interrupts blogging...celebrate

Nearly ten days have gone by since I've last made an entry into the Blue Skunk. And I've decided I should feel lucky. Why? Life has pushed itself between me and the virtual world.

Push One: I spent three days last week in Virginia and Maryland - two of them doing workshops for library media specialists and one visiting Monticello, Jefferson's beautiful home near Charlottesville. The librarians with whom I worked were professional, involved, lively and challenging. I had great fun on both days. I was less awed by Monticello than I was by the beauty of the Shenandoah Valley and Blue Mountains. But I was most awed by the quality of the Howard and Loudoun County educators.

Push Two: Our family spent the Labor Day weekend at Cry of the Loon lodge in northern Minnesota. Nine of the LWW's and my blended families spent three low key days playing games, watching movies, bicycling, swimming, and just lazing about. No Internet connectivity, but easy conversations, hugs and sticky gifts from little boys, and a constant patter of gentle teasing. A 15 mile bike ride around Lake Itasca reminded me just how thankful I should be that everyone in our small group was  in good health and enjoy pretty good minds when we chose to use them. Oh, and that, for the most part, we are rather loving to each other and to the world in general.


Push Three: I've spent many hours this last month sitting one-on-one with teachers who are getting new computers. Part of getting a new computer in our district has always meant some required staff development time. During the hour, I helped each teacher configure his/her network settings, shortcuts on the dock and his/her e-mail account. We messed about with Widgets, used the built in camera to e-mail a portrait to a significant other, and learned how to create calendar entries. And we just talked informally about technology, schools in general, and, well, stuff. I genuinely liked every teacher I worked with.

I don't know about you, but for me technology can be a subtle trap - keeping me at my desk, working in the abstract, and communicating efficiently, but bloodlessly, with faceless others. I am a teacher at heart and happiest when teaching.

I rather like it when life gets between me and the screen. A piss-poor attitude for a technology director, to be sure.


Lest we forget.... 

The primary purpose of a liberal education is to make one's mind a pleasant place in which to spend one's leisure. -Sydney J. Harris 

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