New job title

After a seriously bad losing season, the head football coach at the University of Minnesota was "released from his contract" not long ago. It took two million dollars to do so.
I put the bug in my superintendent's ear last week that I want my job title changed from Director of Technology to Head Technology Coach. I don't think he was terribly keen on the idea.
And unfortunately we seem to be having a winning season in the department so far this year...
- Teachers are loving the 73 SmartClassrooms we installed this summer. A recent PTO meeting had 60 some parents come to see the things in action. Teachers are already asking for applications for next year.
- After what seems like forever, we had a very successful data mining workshop this week. This has been one for the longest, most frustrating and complex projects we've taken on.
- Our new ASP web solution that includes pages for individual teachers to create threaded discussion, post online lessons, and materials simply and conveniently is picking up steam.
I take little credit for any of this other than that I have had the incredibly good fortune to hire talented people in my department. Johnson’s First Law of Effective Supervision: Hire people who don’t need to be supervised. (More rules)
But I still think putting coach in my job title is a good move. Maybe if I started wearing a whistle?

Reader Comments (2)
It must be working since this year for the first time in the six since we created the position, a majority of teachers we surveyed classified them as part of the instructional staff rather than in IT.
Ah, progress! :-)