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Learning Standards

The second draft of AASL's revised Learning Standards is available for comment and review at:
Take a few minutes to read it and send in suggestions.

ISTE is also "refreshing" its NETS standards. See:

Here is something I think we ought to try: If you, like me, would like to see the  ISTE  Standards and the AASL Standards combined/cross referenced/coordinated please let these people know:

  • Don Knezk, CEO ISTE: <>
  • Julie Walker, Ex Director AASL: <>
  • Kurt Steinhaus, ISTE Board President <>
  • Cyndi Phillip, AASL President <>

Personally, I'm tired of two sets of largely overlapping learning standards. Why not just one?

If no one but me comments about this, the leadership of both organizations can rest easy knowing that, as always, I am  safe to ignore.


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Reader Comments (9)

If you haven't seen them before, I recommend that you take a look at the MEMO (MN Educational Media Organization) Information and Technology Literacy Standards.
See the PDF link on the following page:

These standards were written using ISTE NETS, AASL/AECT "Information Power", and enGauge 21st Century Skills as well as several other resources.

The school that I work at is currently in the process of adopting these standards (or a slight revision of them).
January 27, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMaelene Krig
Hi Doug and Blog Readers;

In the plan for AASL's new learning standards there will be an Implementation Task Force formed soon. That task force will be creating at a plan to develop correlations with state standards/frameworks and national standards, ISTE included. Be patient.
January 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCyndi Phillip
Hi Cyndi,

Good to know - first I've heard of this!

Thanks for the update,

January 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson
Hi Maelene,

Yes, I have more than a passing knowledge of the MN Standards, having had something of a role in helping write them. I like to think they used our own Mankato curriculum as an inspiration.

Perhaps knowing that IL and IT skills can be combined into a single, useful document is why I so interested in this.

January 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson
And let's please also include a correlation to the 21st Century Partnership skills of which AASL is a member. ( I will be attending a 21st century partnership gathering this week as a member of AASL in Berkeley, CA. See more info at:
January 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRob Darrow

Sorry, I didn't know that you had a role in creating the MEMO standards.:-)

Thanks for the link to the Mankato schools information literacy curriculum. The list of projects for each grade level and the related teacher/LMS planning sheet has given me some ideas for my school.

January 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMaelene Krig
Put both sets of standards out on Wikipedia (perhaps Wikibooks would be more appropriate), cancel the committee meetings, and let this thing evolve. It would take one staffer at ISTE and another at AASL about 4 hours and a phone conversation to start this snowball rolling. Instead, we continue to push rocks.
January 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Pederson

Hi, Doug and everyone, it is a year later and our county has just been asked to reply to ISTE's survey on "refreshed standards" for teachers (which don't mention information professionals of kind). The word "evaluate" appears once.
Help my swiss cheese memory! Has anything really happened on the ALA/ISTE combo front? Should I follow your suggestions exactly as they were a year ago?

March 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa Techman

Hi Melissa,

To my knowledge nothing has been done to merge or correlate the standards. I don't think an email to Don or Julie would hurt!

Thanks and I wish we would have seen more movement on this. I still like John Pederson's suggestion the best!

All the best,


March 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

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