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Rejected Tech Tips - RIP

As some of you may know having attended one of my workshops or presentations, I like to start things off with a bit of silliness - Ask Lena, Lutefiske Computer Labs, IDS Syndrome, etc. As I was cleaning out old PPT files and I ran across one of these things that I've not used for a bit and has become dated. I will post it here and then may it rest in peace...


Rejected Tech Tips

Can’t remember all those passwords?
 Sticky note on the monitor

Running out of hard drive space?
 Save documents with smaller font size


Running out of space on your desk?



No digital camera? No problem! Just use your scanner.


You can hardly tell the difference when the yearbook comes out...



Don't want to pay recycling fees on old equipment?






Rejected Tech Tips. Rest well.
Oh, my son Brady was the good sport who was my model in some of these.


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Reader Comments (5)

Doug, you and Fabio? Fabiolicious! Next time I see you, I'll tell you about my Fabio Moment...

November 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLazygal

Sadly, Doug, these are not outdated where I speak. Rolled on the floor laughing especially with the "digital" image of your son. He's a great sport!

November 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKaren janowski

Here I am reading through my Google Reader to get caught up on blogs and find myself laughing hysterically. Thanks! I needed that. Your son is quite adorable! Have a great weekend.

November 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSherry Crofut

Oh, these are funny...I think I remember seeing them at a presentation you did in Washington at ALA..1996? is that possible?

November 4, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSara Kelly Johns


You never fail to amaze me.


November 5, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterandrew torris

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