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Scientific Commons and free image sites

scicommons.jpgMy friend and colleague, Gary Hartzell passed this on to me:

This came across my screen and it looked like it could be useful in a lot of ways. ...

While the title says "Scientific Commons", the site contains access to materials in the and outside the natural sciences - such as social sciences.  For example, just type a word like "leadership" or "library" or "chemistry" or "science" or "teachers"  or "business" or "software" or "medicine"  or "religion" in the search box and take a look at the material it returns.

from the About Scientific Commons website: aims to provide the most comprehensive and freely available access to scientific knowledge on the internet.

The major aim of the project is to develop the world’s largest communication medium for scientific knowledge products which is freely accessible to the public. A key challenge of the project is to support the rapidly growing number of movements and archives who admit the free distribution and access to scientific knowledge. These are the valuable sources for the project. The project makes it possible to access the largely distributed sources with their vast amount of scientific publications via just one common interface. identifies authors from all archives and makes their social and professional relationships transparent and visible to anyone across disciplinary, institutional and technological boundaries. Currently has indexed about 13 million scientific publications and successfully extracted 6 million authors' names out of this data (January 2007).                     

Anybody using this resource? 


I'm getting in the mood to do a "scrapbook" entry to clear out my starred items in Google Reader. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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