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Managing the OLPC project

My G1G1 XO came a week ago. This came in yesterday's e-mail.



Your XO laptop is on its way.
We're happy to inform you that your XO laptop has shipped.  In order to  help you get the most out of your experience with the XO and One Laptop per Child (OLPC),  here are some important links.  Please save this email for reference. 

To find out everything you need to know to get started with your XO laptop, please click here <>  or visit <> ......

We hope you enjoy your XO laptop!
OLPC Foundation
P.O. Box 425087
Cambridge, MA  02142

I hope this mission and genius of this project does not get defeated by a lack of management. It happens.

Oh, this e-mail DID include the information needed to get the T-Mobile complimentary HotSpot service for a year. Look for it. 


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Reader Comments (4)

Good morning!

Not sure if folks have had a chance to see this video fr/ an OLPC user group in Washington, DC. Group met last night. I still don't have mine yet (and it is snowing again in MA) but I am ever hopeful. Enjoy


December 20, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

Mine just showed up out of the blue without any e-mail notifying us that it had shipped.

December 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMike

I got my notification 3 days later than my XO, which you have to figure is a week late since it is "shipping" information.

Were you able to activate your T-mobile account? I wasn't, but I hope that information is probably moving around slow too...


December 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGary LaPointe

Hi Gary,

I filled out all the forms on the T-Mobile website and have a username and password for the account, but haven't yet had a chance to see if it works - with the XO or other laptop. Sorry.

Congrats on getting your XO!


December 22, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

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