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21st Century Information Fluency Project


This note from friend and colleague, Dennis O'Conn0r over in Illinois. (Published here with permission.)

Hi Doug!   

I wanted to drop you a personal note to thank you once again for your contributions to the Full Circle Resource Kit> ) We've just brought out a new edition on Maximizing Resources.  We've got a new Master Index that makes everything we've published in the last 7 months easy to get with just a click. <>

We've also pulled together a master menu of almost 50 online learning games dedicated to searching and evaluating digital literature. <>. Anything you could say in your blog about this recent edition would be appreciated.

I'd also like you to know that I've linked your blog to my eLearning-online blog <> .  I want all my UW-Stout students to know your work!

(Ah, nothing like know you are corrupting young and impressionable minds! Thanks for the link, Dennis.)

Dennis and his group at the Illinois Math and Science Academy, including one my all time heros, Dr. David Barr, do first class work on making this nebulous topic of "information fluency" understandable in a real-world educational context and provide a real treasure trove of useful tools.

I have always appreciated this model:


Doesn't get much clearer than this!

If you haven't done so already, spend a little time on Dennis's site 21CIF site. It's worth a look. 

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