Operator, operator...

Talk about serendipity! My project this morning is to complete a column for Leading & Learning about using Google well. And what do I find in my e-mail inbox from Dennis O'Connor at ISMA's 21st Century Learning Project?
Latest Issue of Full Circle Resource Kit Now Available!
Featured Competency: Using Operators Effectively
Lead Article: Carl Heine examines common mistakes students make using AND, OR, NOT and "Quotation marks" operators. more...
Podcast: Operators and Search Engines, Chris Sherman, Executive Editor of SearchEngineLand.com, shares insights on using search engines and operators. more...
Personal Side of Searching: Dennis O'Connor writes about searching under pressure to save Pinky's pups. more...
An interesting question Dennis's group raises is "Do we still need to teach people how to use Boolean operators?" Log on, weigh in on the debate. Oh, and find out if Dennis is a good enough searcher to save his daughter's newborn hamsters!
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