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Edublogger 2007

From Will Richardson's Weblogg-ed:

Edubloggercon2007–This first-ever, international, one-of-a-kind “meetup” of educational bloggers will take place on Saturday, June 23rd, at the Georgia World Conference Center in Atlanta just before the start of NECC.

All are invited–whether you yourself blog, are just an educational blog reader, or even just want to hang out with an interesting group of people.  The event is free, and you can indicate that you are coming (and see who else will be there) at the Edubloggercon wiki.  This event will be unique in that it is going to be organized by the participants in real time at the wiki.  We have access all that day to the large Open Source Pavilion room at the Conference Center and there will be free wi-fi:  beyond that is up to you.  So come join the discussion and help us plan a fun and stimulating experience.

The good folks at NECC and ISTE have thrown their support behind this. It could be a really great day depending on how the “unconference” format works out…

 Cool library stuff and now this! NECC sounds like an experience. Be there or be square.

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