A fierce unrest - Edublogger Conference NECC07

A fierce unrest seethes at the core, of all existing things:
it was the eager wish to soar, that gave the gods their wings.
Don Marquis
Nothing so comes to mind today as the small poem by Don (archie and mehitable) Marquis above. There are a group of 100 or more excited, dedicated and frustrated educators that have come together to talk about changing education with technology at today's Edublogger Conference at NECC here in Atlanta.
The blogging and Second Life "gods" are here - Warlick, Richardson, Valenza, Davis, Utecht, Lane, Parsons, Jarrett, Bretag and and lots of others.. Great session on School 2.0 lead by Warlick. Looking forward to one lead by Valenza on Libraries 2.0.
Others seem to be covering the sessions nicely, so I won't go into detail here. Use the tag <edubloggercon07> to find entries.
I do hope these conversations will lead to giving all educators their "wings."
Reader Comments (5)
Ah, Doug, you're one of my gods -- and so is Joyce V., whom I got to visit in April during the AISL conference. For those of us who are trying to evolve, thanks for sending us messages and hope. I came to all this stuff late enough in life that it's almost too late, but I'll keep trying. From your colleague, Jane, who was a Don Marquis fan WAY back. Keep sending us light -- and thanks.
I just had drinks with Alice Yucht. She's not a god?
Hi Laura,
I think "goddess" more aptly describes Alice. And had she been here, I'd most certainly have listed her.
Hope you are having a good time at ALA.
It was a pleasure meeting you yesterday. I really enjoyed your comments in David's session.
Thanks, Sheryl.
The feeling is mutual!