Here is my NECC Schedule, so far (per Dave Warlick's instructions in "What will you be drinking in Atlanta?") It doesn't include any sessions. I'll wait to choose until I get there and see what my other obligations might be. Remember that Peggy Milam has created a great list of sessions of interest to SLMSs.
My NECC schedule is always a little packed since as an ISTE Board member I have RESPONSIBILITIES (some of which I even honor!) Sucking up to big vendors, showing one's face at major events, schmoozing with powerful SIG and Affiliate leaders - you get the drift.
But getting to visit with my buds from around the world makes all the other stuff worthwhile. I am really looking forward to seeing you all! (And that was not sucking up.)
Thursday June 21, 2007
- Flight: Arrive 12:21 pm
- ISTE Board Meeting – 4 - 8 PM
- Board Networking Reception 8PM
Friday June 22, 2007
- ISTE Board Meeting – 8-5
Saturday June 23, 2007
- EduBloggerCon 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. GWCC Room B308
- ISTE Affiliate Annual Meeting, 8-5, OMNI International D
- SIG Council Meeting at NECC 3 PM - 8 PM, Grand Ballroom E, Omni Hotel
- SIG 6:30-7:00: Dinner served
- SIG 7:00-8:00: Dessert reception
Sunday June 24, 2007
- Leadership Symposium 8-12
- Membership & Int’l Committee Meet & Luncheon 1pm -3:15pm
- Member Welcome 4:15pm- 5:15pm
- Opening Keynote 5:45-7:00pm Location: GWCC Murphy Ballroom
- Opening Reception & Member Networking 7pm – 9pm
- President’s Reception 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Georgian Room.
Monday June 25, 2007
- Vendor visits - AM
- Preside: Classroom to Classroom, 12:30-1:30 B402
- Present: Classrooms and Libraries for the Net Generation 3:30pm–4:30pm
- ISTE reception room B405 in the convention center 4:45 to 6:00pm (virtual schooling)
- SIGMS Business Meeting 4:45-6:15
- Apple leadership reception 6-8 pm at the Omni Hotel
Tuesday June 26, 2007
- Education Leadership Team breakfast, 7:15
- MS SIGMS Forum: The Changing Landscape of 21st Century School Information Centers 10:30am–12:30pm
- Sessions PM
- School Library Journal dinner (evening)
Wednesday June 27, 2007
- Sessions AM
- Flight home: Depart 2:38 pm
Oh, Dave, I'm thinkin' that being in the South and all, a person ought to sipping Mint Juleps. You buy the first round?

Reader Comments (2)
Make a toast to me and AASL at the School Library Journal dinner, OK?
If you are in the exibits and wander past the My eCoach booth look for me! I would love to meet you in person. I enjoy so much reading your blog and anything else you write (Learning and Leading articles). I have been doing some work for My eCoach and so was invited to help out at the booth. It is my way to stow away to NECC this year! Next year is San Antonio which is only an hour away! Hopefully I will see you there!