View from the back end of the parade

The picture on the left was taken from our pontoon boat as the LWW and I cruised along in the First Annual Big Lake Jefferson 4th of July Boat Parade. It was impossible to capture the scope and grandeur of the event (30-40 boats at least) without aerial support. Next year, we are decking the boat out!
Parades have always made me ask a fairly profound question: Is it better to be a part of the parade, marching (or sailing) along, seeing only those folks just ahead of you OR is it better to be a spectator parked on a comfy lawn chair someplace in the shade seeing the whole procession?
Lately the parade of information and web applications coming at me feels totally overwhelming. I got the first twinges when I added a NetFlix new release feed to my RSS reader and was blasted with about 80 - 100 new releases every weekend. Granted. most of the stuff is pretty far down the Long Tail (Akbar and Birbal? Bewitched: Season 5), but you at least have to skim the titles to make sure you are not missing a gem.
The second RSS feed that floors me is from SimpleSpark. Every day I must get 20-40 posts of new computer applications - primarily web-based tools. Just how have I managed to live this long without using:
- Post Like a Pirate: Translates your twittArrr comments into scurvy pirate talk, maytey.
- iPhone Typing Test: Test your typing speed on your iPhone.
- PrayAbout: Prayer requests posted instantly online. Thousands pray with you for free.

- I am making coffee.
- I am feeding the cats.
- I am getting the newspaper.
- I am solving the Jumbles.
- I am pouring my coffee.
- I am making toast.
- I am eating toast.
- I am reading the newspaper.
- I am scratching my butt.
- I am getting dressed.
- I am brushing my teeth.
- I am pouring more coffee.
- I am reading my e-mail.
- I am getting a cat off the table.
- I am reading my RSS feeds.
- I am commenting.
- I am pouring more coffee.
- I am working on a) a column, b) a workshop/presentation update. c) a column, d) travel arrangements.
- I am making lunch...
I'm thinking that a nice spot in the shade watching all these apps parade by, joining perhaps the very select few, sounds good this summer. Twits and Nings and Sparkers, enjoy the march. I'll be somewhere far behind you.
Reader Comments (6)
Ahh you are not too far behind, mate. You do at least get a working knowledge of the tools that are causing the biggest tizzy, as evidenced by your ability to make hefty contributions at Edublogger Con and NECC. But that is the nature of every LMS at heart, isn't it?
Hi Cathy,
Sometimes I think it is having just enough vocab to fool folks!
But thanks for the kind words.
I am going to have to reread this post a few times to get on board with some of the new stuff. You are always way ahead of me.
Mind if I have a seat along with you? I admit, I've had a blast with twitter, but really just because I enjoy it as a social procrastination tool. I'm not sure how much I'll be tweeting when the school year is on...
I've been thinking about this issue this way... we need to stop rushing along asking, "What's new?" and start asking "What's good?" much, much more.
I always see you as one of those leading edge people - and too young to sit with us geezers in the back! Great thought:
" ....we need to stop rushing along asking, "What's new?" and start asking "What's good?" much, much more."
It deserves a lot of thought!
All the best,
Thank you Doug, for allowing us to "sit in the shade watching the apps parade by" -- I'm waiting to see which really make sense and help us in our educational lives -- thank you for making us aware of these new applications, but yet giving us permission to say -- what's in it for me??