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Happy blogging day and whew!


As I understand it, August 31st is now blogging day and bloggers are supposed to recommend 5 blogs to others. I am going to forgo recommending professional blogs and instead list those I read just for fun. Maybe these aren't blogs, but RSS feeds:

  1. Netflix New Releases: A movie buff like me likes to know what's available. Even titles like Care Bears: Fitness Fun and Tebana Sankichi: Snot Rocket and Super Detective.
  2. MacRumors: This one is 99% disappointing, especially for those of us waiting for an ultra-light or tablet Mac. But it still feeds the geek fantasies.
  3. Cool Tools: This week alone: Easy Cutter Ultimate, Rite in the Rain Notebooks and the Go-Ped. Need I say more?
  4. Presentation Zen: PowerPoint tips that go beyond the 5 by 5 rule.
  5. Techno Search Doug Johnson: OK, I am the only person in the world who subscribes to this - a feed letting me know when my name surfaces in the blogosphere. The ultimate in vanity searching, I suppose.

 I am sort of relieved that August is over. This month:

  • I did 4.5 days of workshops in 3 different states - the workshops were fun, but flying to get to them wasn't always
  • Wrote two columns
  • Helped inservice 120+ teachers getting new computers in our district and about 40 new teachers
  • Helped with my stepdaughter's wedding
  • Attended all the normal back-to-school meetings of librarians, techs, administrators, teachers, etc.
  • Answered close to a billion questions from returning teachers - most regarding passwords they'd forgotten over the summer
  • Worked in about 5 days of vacation - enjoyed them but the elves didn't come into my office while I was gone, dammit
  • Wound up mowing the LWW's acre-sized tribute to botanical mono cultures (our lawn) about 4 times after not mowing it all through June and July

The pity party starts at noon. I need this three day weekend up at "our" resort up north. Until next week...

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