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The sacrifices I make for my professional organizations

I'm missing it to attend today's ISTE Board meeting: the Eugene Celebration Parade.

Why does this feel like a sacrifice? Because the Society for the Legitimization of the Ubiquitous Gastropods - or SLUGs - are marching in the parade. Excuse me - participating, not marching, since slugs being monopods can't march.

It may have been my one and only chance to see this group in action. Rats. My kind of people.

nw_slugqueen_0908.jpgGlorious Gastropause (aka Leigh Anne Jasheway-Bryant) snorts at the notion of order: "The celebration is about being out of step." Thomas Boyd The Register-Guard ""Slugs do not march," said Slug Queen Inspira Gastropodium. "Slugs have one foot; it's physically impossible. They slither, they slime, and they crawl on their bellies, but they do not march."

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