Is this blog blocked?

I am always sort of tickled when Blue Skunk readers tell me that they have to read my blog at home or in an RSS feed reader because it is blocked by their school or other Internet provider.* It lends one's content a certain cachet.
If your organization (or state or country or spouse) blocks this blog, would you let me know by leaving a comment or sending me an email <doug0077 (a)>.
I see this as a reverse promotional strategy. Everybody knows that if you want something read or viewed, you get it on somebody's banned list. I expect a lot more traffic when I can proudly state 'The Blue Skunk Blog - Banned by Schools Around the World"
On a related? note, I will be giving a talk in Second Life next week. Here's the dope: (Catch that, filter?)
Tuesday, January 15, 6 PM SLT
ISTE Speakers Series Session
Maintaining Intellectual Freedom in a Filtered World
The Chicago Public Schools Department of Libraries presents Doug Johnson (SL: BlueSkunk Johnson), Director of Media and Technology, Mankato Public Schools. This session will summarize the concepts of intellectual freedom as they have traditionally applied to schools and libraries, suggest ways that these values should be extended to online resources, and conlcude with a strategy for using Internet filters appropriately. Discussion will follow. Be sure to attend - if you're not blocked. Moderated by Lisa Perez, Area Library Coordinator, Chicago Public Schools Department of Libraries and Information Services.
See you there!
*Yes, the blog is still blocked even after I removed all my photos from my mispent youth when I was a Chippendale dancer.
Reader Comments (7)
From e-mails sent to me. Blocked by...
McKenzie High School, McKenzie, TN
International School of Tianjin, China
McHenry School District 15, McHenry IL
Yes, alas, you are blocked at school as is every other blog in the universe. I run an online book club on a blog, but am using WordPress (which doesn't have the word blog - shh) and have it installed on my server behind the firewall. So far I haven't been caught.
Tell me what school you are at!
Davis, CA
You are blocked at my school and I intend to check on this, because other blogs are not. Sometimes if I send the helpdesk a URL, they will just unblock it for me. I will let you know what happens.
Hi, Doug. Your blog is blocked here. We are an educational services agency that provides services and support to 25 school districts in central/western NY State. This means none of them can access this from school without an override.
Hi Judy,
Even after I removed all my naked beer bong photos?
Do you think there really is anything specific reason my blog is blocked? I AM outspoken on over-filtering. Do you think it is payback?
Thanks for the comment,