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Whole child


It's a pretty simple really:

Each student enters
school healthy and learns
about and practices a
healthy lifestyle.

Each student learns
in an intellectually
challenging environment
that is physically and
emotionally safe for
students and adults.

Each student is actively
engaged in learning and
is connected to the school
and broader community.

Each student has
access to personalized
learning and to qualified,
caring adults.

Each graduate is prepared
for success in college
or further study and for
employment in a global

The Learning Compact Redefined: A Call to Action from ASCD's Whole Child project.

This is not a long document. It even feels a little simplistic. So much of what it says about kids and schools seems so obvious.

But as I struggle with technology and standards and student information systems and viruses and upgrading operating systems and next year's budget and other nonsense, it is a reaffirming read.

Share it with others who may also be wondering just why they are doing what they do. Share with those focused only on test scores. Share it with parents.

(Thanks to my Facebook librarian buddy Hilda Weisburg for putting me on to this site.) 


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