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Intellectual Freedom 101

Just last week I was complaining that I felt like a lone voice in speaking about intellectual freedom. And today I get this via the AASLForum listserv:

The current (Nov/Dec) issue of Knowledge Quest, the AASL membership journal which probably arrived in your mailbox this week, addresses the theme Intellectual Freedom 101, focusing on the many issues we face dealing with intellectual freedom in the school setting. Providing a thorougKQW362PrintCoverLg.jpgh introduction and education on current IF issues and how to handle them, this KQ issue features fundamental IF documents such as the Library Bill of Rights and Code of Ethics, articles such as “Getting Started with Social Technology in Your Library” by Annette Lamb, “Preparing for a Challenge” by Ann Martin, “A Patriot Act Primer for School Librarians” by Barbara Bailey, "Championing Intellectual Freedom: A School Administrator's Guide" by former principal Jeff Gibson, an interview with children’s author/illustrator Laurie Lazarro Knowlton (author of Red, White, and Blue), and a guest editor’s column by Helen Adams, chair of the AASL Intellectual Freedom Committee. And did you know that much of this outstanding journal’s content is also available online via KQ Web at  Do yourself a favor and spend some quality time delving into both the print and online journals!

Is AASL a responsive organization or what? I know I am looking forward to reading this issue and the online materials as well.

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