Skyping with an iPod

A few days ago, I admitted to weakening and purchasing an iPod Touch. I have to admit that my worries about it being consigned to the "drawer of unused toys" were without warrant.
I just love the little devil.
Here are some things I've found:
- You can use it to make a SkypeOut VoIP call to another land or cell phone. Download Fring. Buy a headset/microphone combo. Purchase some SkypeOut
credits for about $0.03 a minute. It works! (Just remember to add 001 before the area code if dialing a US number.) No need to jailbreak the 2.0 OS.
- With the microphone, it's easy to make a voice recording with a little application called SpeakEasy.
- The calendar syncing with Entourage via iCal is working well. Don't ask me to 'splain exactly how you do this. Make sure you have a current back up of your Microsoft User Data folder when you begin experimenting.
- Games are distracting. I still can't get my poor little Spore named Bob past the spiky things level.
- I am trying to see if I can use one download of an audiobook from Audible on both my iPod and Kindle. Easy, cheesy on the iPod. The Kindle is being a PIA since it requires a PC for file transfer to it. I increasingly understand where the DRM opponents are coming from. (See Steal This Comic.) Hey, I buy a CD I can use it in my truck, my boombox. my stereo sytem, etc.
- I am happy to have a monetary conversion program for my trip to Amman, Jordan next week. I love the world clock (no more need to bring an alarm clock on my travels.) I downloaded a great dictionary and use it at least once or twice a day.
- The single e-book I downloaded seems easy to read. I need to try out different e-book readers. The Kindle still has the superior screen, however.
- The ability to make buttons out of bookmarks is cool. I have an iPod screen with just bookmark buttons I can use to reach both my e-mail accounts, my iGoogle, GoogleReader, and my blog. Nifty.
- The photos are beautiful, easy to sync and manage, and the slideshow of the grandsons is amazing. Would you like to see it?
- Has anyone discovered a way to keep those damnable little white cords on the earbuds from being a tangled mess every time you want to use them?

Reader Comments (7)
I got a grant to buy three of these for my students, and they are great! We have not even come close to utilizing everything that we could with them, but some day I will do a blog post about it.
Do the new earbuds not have that little slide-y thing on the cords? The earbuds I got with my iPod nano (ages ago) have a little plastic piece that both cords go through so if I slide it all the way to the earbuds, it keeps the cords together at the ends and they can't get tangled up. Every time I use it, I think it's ingenious.
try this:
I am waiting for the DLo Jam Jacket with Cord Management to come out for the Gen 2 iPod Touch. The one for Gen 1 is great. Learned about it from Brian Grenier.
@ Hi Jethro,
Good luck with your project. In creative hands, these could do wonders for motivation and engagement. If you are ever moved to write something up about the experience, you're always welcome to guest blog.
All the best,
@ Jennifer,
I wondered what that thing was for. They don't let me out much.
I'll give this a shot.
@ Thanks, Scott! Looks like a great product.
Earphones have been the bane of my existence since I signed up with Audible. i tried bluetooth but couldn't find the sw to route all audio from my O2 PDA/Phone to the bluetooth headset. I finally settled on a full-loop style earphone set where a loop goes over your head with a separate earphone wire hanging on each side of your neck and a nifty little toggle to secure each earpiece when not using. Since adopting this, I've quit swearing in public over my earphoe tangles.
Thanks, Rob. I’ll seek out such a device and give it a try.