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Some things not in Fodors

In response to my entry about Petra, Linda commented:

Okay you have the hat at Petra but where is the Indiana Jones whip and trusty horse to make a quick getaway?

My whip was confiscated by security in Minneapolis, and the only 4-legged transport was this:

No cracks about who's the bigger jackass. Oh, my donkey-boy cut my head off taking the photo. Not Photoshop.

Rules of Jordanian driving: When there are two-lanes and one car, use both lanes. When there is one lane and two cars, make two lanes. I believe this applies to most of the developing world and all the areas around Florida retirement communities.

I was surprised when my rather staid, middle-age taxi driver on hearing Celine Dion on the radio, grunted, "Yes, this is from movie Titanic. I've seen it six times." Romantics are everywhere, I guess.

The Jordanian press reported earlier this week that Osama Bin Laden's approval rating here has dropped to only 19%. I'm guessing that's still higher than George W's.

Whenever I am in another country, I try to eat at McDonalds at least once. The Coke tasted funny at the McD's in the Mecca Mall, but the two cheeseburger meal was the "same-same." And yes, they try to get you to super-size it here too.

Anytime I speak at an international conference, I worry about my US-centric POV and materials. Tomorrow I'll be sharing some information about the demographics surrounding the Net Generation and their love of technology. I was somewhat relieved when at Jerash this morning, my young friend Acmed made a point of showing me his mobile that takes pictures, shows movies and does other wonderous things. The paint on device's keys was nearly worn off. Maybe kids are kids, no matter the place or level of affluence?

Normally I prefer to do my work first and play afterwards. But this trip I had to schedule my vacation before the workshops. I'm adopting this new priority, perhaps as a simple tip of the hat to my own mortality.

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Reader Comments (2)

I have a funny Petra story--my son Jake went to Isreal this past summer to present a paper at a conference. He then went to Jordan and got to go to Petra. He told the story of a little girl sitting on the Petra site selling her wares. Here's the conversation between Jake and the little girl:

"Hey Mista, wanna buy a bracelet?"
"No, thanks."
"Hey Mista, where'ya from?"
"Hey, Mista wanna see a camel?"

She pointed and Jake looked over his shoulder.

"See, two humps" She was pointing to the hills in the distance.

For weeks after Jake got back we were all saying "Hey, Mista...wanna see a camel?"

Makes me smile just thinking about it.

Later the same day, they got pulled over for speeding. (A Jordanian friend was driving) The police were parked in the highway median and screaming through a bullhorn. Standing next to the police in the median was a shepherd with a herd of sheep!! The police made a deal (about 75.00) and Jake and friends were on their way. A100 feet down the highway two kids were throwing bricks at cars on the highway!! Sounds like an exciting place!!

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenternancy

Hi Nancy,

Great story!

And yes, there is a different ethic about law enforcement here. One of the interesting things about travel, I guess.

All the best,


October 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

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