Four more years of subversion?

If you can believe Gary Stager and others ruing Obama's nomination of Arne Duncan as Secretary of Education (and I don't see why you shouldn't), it looks like we need to keep our copies of Postman and Weingarter's Teaching as a Subversive Activity dusted off.
While we librarians have always been subversives at heart, we need more techs and teachers doing what is right by kids, not simply doing what they are told to do by those who are politicians rather than educators.
What subversive act have you committed today?

Reader Comments (6)
I posted a fake message in the lounge stating the following: "I am sorry to notify you that the Scantron Machine is being sent out for service the week of December 15th and will be returned Friday at 2:00 pm....plan accodingly." I should have set up a camera to catch the looks on my teachers faces. I know it's cruel but I couldn't resist.
The single greatest act of school reform I ever witnessed was in the early 80s when an Asst. Supt. announced that he would no longer sign purchase orders for ditto machine repairs.
The quality of education improved within days.
Did you ever see the Simpsons episode where Lisa hides the teacher's guides?
John Taylor Gatto once told me that it is the sacred act of every educator to create one conscious act of sabotage against the system daily - even if it's just stealing the Vice Principal's toilet paper.
This is a really good reminder--I think teachers (especially newer teachers) don't hear it often enough. As librarians, should we be facilitating teacher subversion?
Doug - Being a subversive, constantly, is both elating and exhausting ... take my word for it. : )
There is a fine line between subversive and just mean. I love it!
Hi Gary,
I suspect that halving the copy quota in most schools would be a good start today.
I still miss the buzz from smelling the freshly made copies on the ditto machine.
Oh, I think our AP's are too mean to use TP.
Hi Libby,
If the subversion is done with kids’ best interest at heart, absolutely.
Hi Brian,
Elating, yes. Exhausting, only if you are worried about getting caught!
Thanks for the comment!