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Beginning Rubric 2 - File Management

This a continuation of the 2008 revision of the CODE77 rubrics - Basic level. An introduction is here.

II.     File management (1994)
Level 1    I do not save any documents I create using the computer.
Level 2    I save documents I’ve created but I cannot chose where they are saved. I do not back-up my files.
Level 3    I have a filing system for organizing my files, and can locate files quickly and reliably. I back-up my files to floppy disk or other storage device on a regular basis.
Level 4    I regularly run a disk-optimizer on my hard drive, and use a back-up program to make copies of my files on a weekly basis. I have a system for archiving files which I do not need on a regular basis to conserve my computer’s hard drive space.

II. File management (NETS I.A., I.B.) (2002)
Level 1    I do not save any documents I create using the computer.
Level 2    I save documents I’ve created but often have difficulty finding them. I do not store duplicates of my files on disks or servers for back-up purposes.
Level 3    I have a filing system for organizing my files, and can locate files quickly and reliably in folders and subfolders. I back-up my files to disk, file server, or Internet storage site on a regular basis. I use the district’s networked file storage server when provided so I can access my files from any computer, including my home computer. I save my files with the appropriate extension (.txt, ..jpg, doc, cwk, etc.) to facilitate cross-platform use.
Level 4    I regularly run a disk-optimizer on my hard drive, and use a back-up program to make copies of my files on a weekly basis. I have a system for archiving files which I do not need on a regular basis to conserve my computer’s hard drive space.

II. File management (NETS ?) (2008)
Level 1    I do not save any documents I create using the computer.
Level 2    I save documents I’ve created but often have difficulty finding them. I store duplicates of my files on disks, servers or flash memory for back-up purposes on an irregular basis.
Level 3    I have a filing system for organizing my files, and can locate files quickly and reliably in folders and subfolders. I can use the search command in my operating system (Indexer or Spotlight) to locate a file by name, type or content. I back-up my files to writable CD or DVD disks, separate hard drive, network file server, or Internet storage site on a regular basis. I use local network or Internet file storage server when provided so I can access my files from any computer, including my home computer. I save my files with the appropriate extension (.txt, ..jpg, doc, cwk, etc.) to facilitate cross-platform use. I can use a potable flash drive to transport my files.
Level 4    I regularly run a disk-optimizer on my hard drive, and use an automated back-up program to make copies of my files on a regular schedule. I have a system for archiving files which I do not need on a regular basis to conserve my computer’s hard drive space. I keep my back up files in physical locations that are at a distance.

Other file management tasks? Next up: III Time management and organization 

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