Cyberbullying guide - as promised..

As promised...
Many thanks to Nancy Willard for her permission to use materials from her website, her book, and her kind advice (some of which I actually took, but probably not enough.)
If you would like a Word version of this document so you can edit it for your school, let me know.
Reader Comments (15)
Thanks for posting this!
I would love to obtain this document!
Jen H.
I'm getting an error reading this - my reader says it's corrupted/damaged. Is anyone else having this problem?
I'd love to have a .doc version. I'm tackling this topic at my school this spring. Thanks!
Doug, I'd love to have an MS Word copy. Thanks so much for your hard work!
The PDF version opened fine in Preview on my Intel Macbook, BTW.
Recognizing that we need to focus on the language images and sound, will there be a multimedia preso to go with this? (smile)
With appreciation for your work and those you "remixed" from,
Miguel Guhlin
Around the
I'd love to have a copy of this in Word. Very nice job.
I enjoyed seeing this. I appreciate the fact that it is concise. The advice for kids not to retaliate is good. The fact that kids are encouraged to confront cyberbullies seems to be what really needs to happen in order to make a difference with this behavior.
Yes please!
I would love to get a doc version of this as we are addressing this at our school right now. Thanks.
I would also love the doc version, Doug. Thanks for sharing a great resourse.
Hi Doug, I would love a copy of this in Word. Thank you for sharing!
I did my first attempt at blogging with my 7th graders on Internet Safety and did a page on cyberbullying. I will be adding this pdf link next time- thank you! If you're looking for media- you tube, etc.. you can check the links on the kids' blog. They evaluated the project afterwards and aside from organizational issues (which I, of course, quickly realized as we started to work) the kids were really split 50/50- half of them had heard of this problem before and didn't think it affected them, the other half had never heard of it but, also didn't think it really affected them. Naive? Live in a bubble? I honestly don't know what to think.
Thanks for sharing, Doug. Nancy is GREAT! She'll be keynoting at our Washington State Bullying Prevention Conference in May. The first day is dedicated to cyberbullying.
We're full into the development of real curriculum for middle school/junior high at the moment. We'll be more than happy to share once it's available.
Again, thanks!
BTW - we have some excellent resources on our CyberSafety page:
Thanks, Mike!