International Edubloggers Directory

Check out the nifty new graphic on the lower right side of this page.
It links to a new resource being started by Patricia Donaghy in Dublin <edubloggerdir (at)> to: provide an up to date directory of edubloggers from around the world. The site will provide an easy way to find out what other edubloggers are blogging about.
To be added to the Directory, visit the site and click the Add tab at the top. Follow the directions.
Thanks to Miguel's on this resource.
Reader Comments (1)
Hello Doug,
You and your readers might be interested to know that a social network was created back in July (just after NECC) with similar purposes in mind. It's called EduBloggerWorld and any educational blogger is welcome to participate.
Our Frappr map has also been a lot of fun:
Happy edublogging,