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Beginning rubric 4 - word processing

This a continuation of the 2008 revision of the CODE77 rubrics - Basic level. An introduction is here.

III.     Word processing (1995)
Level 1    I do not use a word processor, nor can I identify any uses or features it might have which would benefit the way I work.
Level 2    I occasionally use the word processor for simple documents which I know I will modify and use again. I generally find it easier to hand write or type most written work I do.
Level 3    I use the word processor for nearly all my written professional work: memos, tests, worksheets, and home communication. I can edit, spell check, and change the format of a document. I can paginate, preview and print my work. I feel my work looks professional.
Level 4     I use the word processor not only for my work, but have used it with students to help them improve their own communication skills.

IV. Word processing (NETS I.A., I.B. V.C.) (2002)
Level 1     I do not use a word processor, nor can I identify any uses or features it might have which would benefit the way I work.
Level 2     I occasionally use the word processor for simple documents that I know I will modify and use again. I generally find it easier to handwrite or type most written work I do.
Level 3     I use the word processor for nearly all my written professional work: memos, tests, worksheets, and home communication. I can edit my document using commands like copy and paste, find, undo, and save as. I can spell check, and change the format of a document. I can paginate, preview and print my work. I can use tables within my documents. I feel my work looks professional.
Level 4     I can save my document as a text or rtf document so it can be opened by others who may use the same word processor I use. I take advantage of collaborative writing/editing environments when available. I use the word processor not only for my work, but have used it with students to help them improve their own communication skills.

 V. Word processing (NETS ?) (2008)
Level 1     I do not use a word processor, nor can I identify any uses or features it might have which would benefit the way I work.
Level 2     I occasionally use the word processor for simple documents that I know I will modify and use again. I generally find it easier to handwrite or type most written work I do.
Level 3     I use the word processor for nearly all my written professional work: memos, tests, worksheets, and home communication. I can edit my document using commands like copy and paste, find, undo, and save as. I can spell check, and change the format of a document. I can paginate, preview and print my work. I can use tables within my documents and insert graphics. I can save my document as a .pdf file. I feel my work looks professional.
Level 4     I can save my document as a text or rtf document so it can be opened by others who may not use the same word processor I use. I take advantage of collaborative writing/editing environments when available, including online word processors and wikis. I can suggest an open source word processor for those who wish or need to use one. I use the word processor not only for my work, but have used it with students to help them improve their own communication skills.

Other word processing tasks? Next up: V. Spreadsheet use  

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Reader Comments (4)

I would like to use your 2008 Word Processing rubric as part of a survey using with an upcoming group of graduate students, if that is alright with you. It will help me to determine what their tech skills are prior to the start of the course.
You've done an excellent job advancing word processing skills.

February 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKarenJanowski

Hi Karen,

The CODE77 rubrics have always been in the public domain for any and all to use - and improve.

All the very best,


February 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

Very useful!
One minor point, in the latest version, you've got "I can save my document as a text or rtf document so it can be opened by others who may use the same word processor I use" ... shouldn't that be "who may not use the same word processor..."?

February 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEmma

Thanks, Emma. Good eye. I made the correction.


February 25, 2008 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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