Snow is in the forecast

We're sick of winter here. All of us...

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We're sick of winter here. All of us...
Reader Comments (4)
Frosty doesn't look all that happy. My grandsons are in Illinois visiting their other grandparents and got to make a snowman. When you're from Texas, snow is a really big deal. Personally, I'm not that crazy about the white stuff either.
Just remember in a few short months we will all be bitching about the obnoxious heat.
We would love some cold here in Adelaide South Australia. Tuesday was our first day under 35C (95F) during March.
Hi David,
As Charlie indicated above, in a few short months we'll be complaining about the heat (and mosquitoes) here in Minnesota.
The old saying is that Minnesota has two beautiful seasons - spring and autumn. And on the good years, they both fall on a weekend.
Cheers! Stay cool.